A Marriage Made for More

What would marriage look like if we applied John 10:10 to it? “I have come that they may have life, and have life to the full.” When a couple walks down the aisle on their wedding day, it’s… Read More
Don’t Let The Myths Get You Down

There are so many blending family myths out there—thoughts that cast dark shadows on the redemptive work God can do in a remarriage that is under His control. Sure, remarriage and blending a family is definitely more complex…. Read More
Blending Family Movies

There are lots of ways to start discussions with your children about remarriage and blending your family. One way is to watch some of the following blending family movies* together and then talk about the good, the bad,… Read More
Reading Me

Ben is a salesman. He’s a verbal processer, a people person, and an extrovert. Jennifer is a journalistic processer, loves her time alone, and is more of an introvert. Even though their communication styles overlap and generally work… Read More
Committed for Life

In our living room is a symbol Dale and I used in our wedding. It’s a 3-fold cord of red, white and gold. For us, it symbolizes that commitment we made to marriage was not just between the… Read More
A Servant’s Heart

The presence of a “servant’s heart” tells you much about your mate. But the lack of it can be a real problem. If he or she is overly self centered, selfish, or inconsiderate of you and others—or if… Read More
Catch the Vision

How can we nurture the vision to share God’s love—in whatever way He’s called us to? When we’re in relationship with someone, we naturally and effortlessly share about what we love, right? You talk about—or write about—what fills… Read More
Marvelous Mothers

My two favorite mothers are a special part of my life—on either side of me—my 90-year-old mother who has been a gift in my life and my precious daughter who has blessed me with her love, marrying a… Read More
Enjoying Fun Together

When you’re dating, you naturally find time to have fun as a couple and discover what activities you like doing together. Having fun together is an important part of the emotional and relational bonding that instinctively happens. Then… Read More
Imperfect Marriage Partners

Marriage is taking two unique people and uniting their souls and bodies for a common purpose, for the rest of their lives. But it’s also taking two imperfect people and putting them in a committed relationship so they… Read More