Meet author Rachelle Rea Cobb

Rachelle is a freelance editor, an author of six books, and voracious reader. If you’re looking for her, check the bookstore. In 2016, she married a man with the same name as her fictional hero and they live happily ever after in a fixer-upper by the sea. She’s a fan of chai and lemonade (though definitely not together). Find her at

Tell us about your newest book.

Anna Emory grew up the invisible, shy younger sister, and she prefers it that way. But when her father attempts to arrange an unsavory marriage, Anna learns that courage is sometimes found in adversity. Then she meets a boy and his father struggling in their relationship, and they tip her quiet world upside down.

Captain Mathieu Tudder has run from responsibility, entrusting his young son’s care to another and devoting his Sea Beggar ship to the Dutch Revolution. After that cause fails, Tudder returns to England for the son he left behind. But his son seems to have given his heart to a unknown and quiet lady—a woman who reminds him of all he’s ever loved and lost.

Will these two hearts—the battle-scarred and the broken—ever find true freedom?

What inspired you to write Follow the Dawn?

I can’t seem to stop revisiting the cast of characters who comprised my first book, The Sound of Diamonds (WhiteFire Publishing, 2016)! The main characters of that first story make cameos in this one, and I’m overjoyed to have the privilege to tell the story of the sea captain widower we met in that first book I ever published.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

When a shy wallflower who suffers from panic attacks must choose whether to comply with her abusive father’s wishes … or fight for the life she wants, she’s going to get more than she bargained for when she meets a young boy and his crusty sea captain father!

What genre do you focus on and why?

I just love Christian historical romance. I’ve never gotten over having the Heartsong Presents novels delivered to my door, and I always gravitate toward historical romance because I love learning about new chapters in history while seeing unlikely love stories play out on the page!

What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?

The readers! It is such a joy to release a book into the world … but it is also so very scary! I feel as if I have plucked out a piece of my heart, splashed it onto a page, and then said “ta da, read if you dare!” Each and every time I release a new story, though, readers do indeed dare to read them. And I just love it when they let me know they love them through their reviews, emails, messages, and so on.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

My husband has the same first name as my fictional hero! I finished writing that book before I ever met my man; in fact, I signed my first publishing contract too (at age twenty-two!). Then I met Devin. I just can’t get over the fact that God wrote us a love story far more beautiful than any I could ever write.

What is your favorite pastime?

Besides reading? I really enjoy working on house projects with my husband. We bought a fixer-upper and it’s been fun making it our own. I also love visiting bookstores and the beach!

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

Yes! The Steadfast Love series is comprised of The Sound of Diamonds, The Sound of Silver, and The Sound of Emeralds. I also wrote a short writing guide called Write Well.

What are you working on now?

Well, I just started a manuscript with yet another character from this series as the hero and I’m excited to begin working on that. But I have a feeling my writing may go on hold for a bit once my husband and I welcome our first baby girl in April!


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