Meet Marilyn Turk

Marilyn Turk writes historical fiction set around lighthouses or the coast of the United States. She is the author of Rebel Light, a Civil War love story on the coast of Florida, A Gilded Curse, a historical suspense novel set in 1942 Jekyll Island, Georgia, and Lighthouse Devotions – 52 Inspiring Lighthouse Stories, based on her popular lighthouse blog (@ She is also a regular contributor to Guideposts magazine and the Daily Guideposts devotional.

Tell us about your newest book.

The most recent book published book is Rebel Light, a Civil War romance set in 1861 on the coast of Florida. Rebel Light focuses on Kate McFarlane, who tries to run away from the war but ends up in the middle of it. After Florida’s secession from the Union, neighbors choose sides and sometimes it’s difficult to tell who is a friend and who is an enemy.

What genre do you focus on and why?

Historical fiction because I’ve always wondered what it was like to live in another time.

What drives you?

Commitment is important to me, and I’ve always believed that you should do what you say you’re going to do. I see my writing as a commitment to God to put forth those ideas He’s given me. I believe writing is my mission field, and God wants to use it to share His truth through the stories of everyday people.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

My main character in Rebel Light is Katherine (Kate) McFarlane. I researched names that were popular in 1861, especially names from Scottish descent.

What does a day in your writing world look like?

I wish I could say I’m consistent, but it depends on what I need to do, whether it’s to write a new book, edit one already written, or write a blog post. If I’m focused on my story, I write for hours. When I have trouble focusing I set a timer and make myself write for 15 minute increments without going on a rabbit trail, then I reset the timer for 15 more minutes, etc.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

Focus and Confidence. Why? There are so many distracations – from social media to family life – that can take our focus off our writing. And I’ve heard that every writer struggles with confidence, whether what we’re writing is worth reading. For someone like me who thrives on affirmation, I need positive reviews to encourage me. Also, it’s difficult to see how well other authors do without comparing ourselves. I have to remind myself that God has made us all different and gifted us in different ways, so my writing journey is not the same as anyone else’s, it’s only mine.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

Knowing someone else read your story and liked it. Why? As I said before, affirmation is important to me, and I like to know my writing conveyed the story it was meant to, that readers understood it and hopefully, were inspired by it.

What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?

I have two stories, but maybe they’re not so crazy as amazing to me. One is that I received an email from a man from Colorado who bought my Lighthouse Devotions book at the Currituck Lighthouse book store on the Outer Banks, and wanted to let me know how much he liked it. Also, because I wrote a blog post about a woman lighthouse keeper in New Orleans, I was invited by the Coast Guard to attend the commissioning of a Coast Guard cutter named for her. That was really cool!

What are you most proud of?

Being one of God’s children and part of His plan to inspire, encourage and enlighten others through my writing. Also, I’m very pleased with the way our first year of the Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat that I directed turned out. All the attendees loved the retreat and want us to do it again, so we will, next year in May 2018!

What is your favorite pastime?

I have several, but tennis is tops. I also enjoy boating, kayaking, and of course, visiting lighthouses!

Do you have other books?

We’d love to know. Yes! My book of Lighthouse Devotions which is about to enjoy a revision. And my novel The Gilded Curse, which was published in 2016. The Gilded Curse won a Silver Merit award at the Golden Scrolls Awards Banquet this year, so I’m very pleased about that.

What are you working on now?

I’m currently working on the edits for Shadow of the Curse, the sequel to The Gilded Curse, which will come out in 2018.


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Facebook: marilyn.turk.9





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1 Comments on “Meet Marilyn Turk

  1. This is a fun post to read! I LOVE lighthouses!! I enjoy historical fiction, especially from Christian authors. I’m putting Rebel Light on my list to read, as well as The Gilded Curse. Thanks for interviewing Marilyn!

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