My Best Christmas Gift

img_3206I just got the very best Christmas present I’ve ever received. My fourth granddaughter, Peyton Ava, was born on December 6th in South Africa. When her mom shared the news, my heart soared with excitement and joy! For me, Christmas came early this year.

I can’t wait to see her and meet her in person. When I look at God’s intricate creation in the form of a tiny baby, I can’t help but praise Him for the wonder I behold and think of Him as a tiny, helpless baby. And when it’s my own grandchild, my joy overflows and cannot be contained! A new human life is truly the most amazing part of creation, and as her grandmum, the awe and wonder of it all can be simply overwhelming.

What will her new life hold? Who will she become? What has God created her to do? How will being a kid in South Africa affect her and make her into who she’ll become? So many BIG questions for such a little life, and I’m sure Jesus’ mother had some pretty big questions too.

During this Christmas season, I began to understand why the angels just had to show up and sing when Jesus was born! As a grandma, I felt that way about this new little life. It’s simply amazing.

The world that baby Peyton just entered is not an easy one, so she’ll need lots of prayer to become the person God wants her to be. As one who loves her dearly, I will pray for this child every single day of my life, and I will enjoy watching these questions get answered. Join me, will you?

“Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you,” Jeremiah 1:5 (The Message).

Welcome to our world, baby girl! I look forward to seeing God’s plans for you! What prayers do you pray when you see a new little life? I’d love to know.




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1 Comments on “My Best Christmas Gift

  1. What a precious baby and a precious blog post. Congratulations to you and baby Peyton’s family.

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