Happy Thanksgiving

ThankfulHeartIt’s Thanksgiving Day, and in our American culture, we tend to busy our day of thanks with parades and football, family and fabulous food. But let’s not forget the real reason for this special day—to be thankful for God’s many gifts.

We rightly thank God for all He’s done throughout the year. We thank our family and friends for their love and relationship with us. We thank those who have made a difference in our lives. And sometimes we thank those who we have overlooked in the busyness of life.

With all that thanksgiving to do, who can limit it to just one day and make a huge Thanksgiving dinner and enjoy time with family and friends and watch football? Not me! That’s why I am trying to be more intentional about being a grateful person all year long.

But today,  I want to express my gratitude to each of you who read my blog or Facebook posts or Twitter feed. And I am especially grateful for you who comment on them, share them, or “like” them. For a writer who puts herself “out there” for the world to see, your interaction is a blessing. For someone doing such isolated and solitary work, it encouraging to hear that you read it and care about what it says. And besides, it’s just plain fun to connect with you.

I am honored to serve you, even a little, with the words I put on this blog or on paper or say to you in person. Like Paul in 1 Thessalonians 1:2,4, I want to let you know: “We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers…For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you.”

So I pray that this holiday—and the entire holiday season—will be filled with the richest of gifts: life, love, peace, and joy from God’s gracious hand. Happy Thanksgiving!


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1 Comments on “Happy Thanksgiving

  1. Many thanks for your friendship and blessing to you on this Thanksgiving 2016!

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