Meet author Buck Storm
Buck Storm is a critically acclaimed author and musician. His books and songs have made friends around the world. Buck and his wife, Michelle, have been married for thirty-one years and have two married children.
Tell us about your newest book.
The Beautiful Ashes of Gomez Gomez is a literary novel about a man who’s lost his wife in a head on collision. He decides to leave everything, move into the bushes near the crash site, and basically drink himself to death so he can be with her again. The book obviously deals with a grief theme but, believe it or not, still manages romance, mystery, and humor. Part of it also takes place on a Greek Island in the sixties (so fun to write). I don’t think readers familiar with my previous books will be disappointed. Out of all my work, this was probably the most enjoyable book to write.
What inspired you to write?
I was riding in a car once with a wonderful elderly friend of mine. She told me a story of picking up the wrong suitcase at the airport one time and finding someone’s ashes inside when she got home. For some reason she found the whole thing hilarious. Granted, my book has absolutely nothing to do with that event, but I remember coming up with the title and general outline that day.
How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?
Literary Americana fiction filled with humor and heart. The Beautiful Ashes of Gomez Gomez is quirky, heartfelt, and deeply human. Lives and hopes collide in the town of Paradise, stretching across decades and continents in this epic story of forgiveness, redemption, and love.
What genre do you focus on and why?
I write literary fiction, although I’ve taken a couple side trails—a nonfiction book about some off the beaten path Israel adventures, and a couple biblical fiction novels. I come back to literary fiction because I like the freedom. It’s not quite as structured as genre fiction. And I’m more of a stream of consciousness (pantser) writer so it works well for me. Also, as a longtime songwriter, I really enjoy leaning back into the language of literary fiction.
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?
I pretty much write every day. Grab a cup of coffee in the morning and have at it for at least six hours. Although, if there’s a deadline looming, that time multiplies quite a bit.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
I think the hardest thing about writing is disappearing into your settings and characters for months on end without any real feedback. Am I headed in the right direction? Does any of it make any sense? What if it’s plain old horrible? Or, even worse, boring? The whole thing by nature is a very solitary business. Somewhere down deep, a writer has to have a pretty big reserve of confidence in his or her ability to keep pressing on (either that or be delusional ).
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
The same as the hardest part. Writing challenges me every day. Every hour, really. I’m a bit of an introvert, so, settling into my writing chair with a whole day of creativity in front of me is one of the best feelings in the world.
What’s one unusual fact about you?
I’m probably best known as a singer/songwriter (and hopefully an author) but I worked for ten years or so as a commercial diver (not driver) and fisherman.
How have you changed or grown as a writer?
For a long, long time I was afraid the other shoe would drop, and everyone from my agent to publishers to readers would realize I’m basically making the whole thing up and have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. I still have moments of that, but I like to think I’m learning the craft a bit more. Still it’s a bottomless well. Always so much to improve on!
What is your favorite pastime?
Anything to do with my family. I have two married children and a new granddaughter. We’re a very close family and do things together almost every day. I’m so blessed it that way. Not only do I have a wonderful family but built in friends. I just love it. (Especially if we’re on a beach somewhere in the world!)
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
The Miracle Man (Iron Stream Media)
Truck Stop Jesus (Iron Stream Media)
Finding Jesus in Israel, Through the Holy Land on the Road Less Traveled (Hachette Book Group)
The List (Compass Publishing)
The Light (Humphrey House Books)
What are you working on now?
At the moment I’m working on a follow up to Gomez Gomez—The Sound the Sun Makes. Right after that I’ll be starting a third book called Venus Sings the Blues. Kregel will be releasing these as a three-book series called The Ballads of Paradise.
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