Meet author Janice Cole Hopkins

Janice Cole Hopkins grew up with an Appalachian heritage and has set several of her novels in the region. She is an avid reader herself as well as a prolific writer who has now published over seventy books. She works hard to make her stories come alive for readers, draw them in, enthrall and inspire, and give a sigh-worthy ending that makes the book hard to forget.

Tell us about your newest book, A Match for Merle.

Vanessa Acker didn’t have a very good reputation in Pinyon Falls, Texas. All the men she’d flirted with had rejected her, and some people even considered her a shrew. Since she’s not getting any younger and wants to marry, she decides to contact the same matchmaker three of the men in Pinyon Falls had success with.

Merle Sullivan has made a lot of money as a successful real estate speculator, but he’s ready to move on with his life and settle down. He contacts a matchmaker to begin the process. When he meets Vanessa Acker, she’s pretty enough, but he knows he’s in for a challenge. However, he senses something special about the woman buried beneath what she shows to the world.

What inspired you to write A Match for Merle?

A Match for Merle is part of a multiple-author collection, although each book can also be read as a standalone. Vanessa Acker had been an almost villainous character in my first three books in the collection (also set in the Hill Country of Texas), and I had no idea that she would eventually insist that she have her own book where she was the heroine. Of course, she does a lot of changing here.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

People in Pinyon didn’t much like Vanessa Acker, but when she sends to the matchmaker for a groom, she gets more than she expected in Merle Warner.

What genre do you focus on?

I write mainly inspirational, historical fiction and have written sixty four of them. But I also have seven inspirational contemporary ones and two Christian non-fiction with another on the way sometime next year.

Why do you write?

I have been an avid reader since I was six years old. Even writing full-time, I still read well over 350 books a year. I started writing my own stories in the third grade and freelanced for magazines when I taught school, but I didn’t start a novel until I became tied down to take care of my mother. I can look back and see how God was preparing me for this time in my life, so I write for Him, to hopefully bring Him glory and encourage others to draw closer to Him in an entertaining way.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

Merle Warner and Vanessa Acker are my two main characters in A Match for Merle. I try to choose names that both go with the region where the book is set and match the characters’ personalities.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

When I’m working on a new manuscript, I set my goal to write a chapter a day, and I spend most of my day writing. When it’s finished, I take a break and catch up on some other things, especially editing.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

I love writing, but there are some challenges. I find editing to get an error-free book difficult. I personally edit each book at least six times, my husband edits it once, and I always have a professional editor, and yet, a few mistakes still sometimes sneak through. Promoting and marketing are also challenges because, with Amazon and all the changes in writing and publishing, there are so many books available.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

I love the actual writing. I write character-driven novels, and I get lost in their stories, writing fast because I’m eager to see where they take me. As a history and English major, I also enjoy the research, and I’m meticulous with it, even making sure the vocabulary I include was used during that time.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

I’m also an avid traveler, believing that to be a great way to learn. I’ve been to all 50 states and 45 other countries.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

Tremendously, but it’s something that’s hard to pinpoint, describe, or measure. It just happens, and it’s hard to separate from who you are.

What is your favorite pastime?

I’ve had many hobbies and interests over the years: Most crafts, art, drama, folk studies, history, travel, home canning, etc.; but now, most of my activities revolve around my faith, family, and writing.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

I’ve been publishing for ten years and now have 71 books listed on Amazon. You can check them out here:

What are you working on now?

I just finished writing the rough draft of Andrea: Christmas Quilt Brides, and I’ll start on Willa’s Woe’s, a book in Westward Home & Hearts series, next.

Website: Reflections – Past, Present, and Future with God (

Link to book:

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Facebook (https://www.facebook. com/JaniceColeHopkins/)

Twitter – Janice Cole Hopkins (@J_C_Hopkins) / X (







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