Meet author Kimberly Rose Johnson

Award winning author Kimberly Rose Johnson married her college sweetheart and lives in the Pacific Northwest. From a young child Kimberly has been an avid reader. That love of reading fostered a creative mind and led to her passion for writing. She especially loves romance and writes contemporary romance and romantic mystery and suspense with a heart. Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.

Tell us about your newest book.

Personal Threat is the final book in my Protection Inc., series. It takes place in Seattle and is a Christmas novella. Here’s the back cover blurb:

Bodyguard Sally Wilson has become the target. Can she save her own life as well as her daughter’s? Christmas is supposed to be the happiest time of the year, but when Sally’s young daughter, Emma, becomes the target of child traffickers, and the little girl’s biological father wants Sally dead, the Christmas season takes a dark turn.

Police officer, Dillon Brady, responds to a call for help at the home of his friend and Protection Inc. bodyguard, Sally Wilson. When their relationship tips beyond friendship, Dillon is determined no one will hurt Sally or her daughter again. Will his resolve be enough? Sally is drawn to Dillon. He’s a natural with Emma and appears to care about both of them. Sally’s been fooled before by a man she believed loved her, but what if it’s an act? Can Sally learn to trust again and follow her heart, or will Dillon get relegated to the friend zone?

What inspired you to write Personal Threat?

The main characters in this book were supporting characters in previous Protection Inc. books. They needed their own story. I began to see their story as I was writing the other books. I’m thrilled with how the series wrapped up.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

A fast-paced romantic suspense set at Christmastime in Seattle. A bodyguard and mom are the target of someone who wants her dead.

What genre do you focus on?

Romantic suspense because I love to read it. I like the action and how quick they move. I also enjoy romance which is why I write romantic suspense and not just suspense.

Why do you write?

I have a creative mind that needs to be used. Writing is my outlet. I love it!

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

Usually, I begin my day on social media, then a sort through emails. After that I read my Bible, have breakfast, go for a walk, exercise, lunch and then I finally settle down at the computer a little after noon and write for two to three hours. All that being said, my schedule seems to always be in flux depending on what’s going on in my life at that time.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

I am a lot more comfortable writing about my faith than I was when I first started writing over a decade ago. I’ve also learned to trust my gut instincts.

What is your favorite pastime?

I think it’s a tie between reading and watching movies. I am also a screenwriter, so it’s important that I watch movies too.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

I have books in three different genres: contemporary romance, romantic mystery, and romantic suspense. All of my books are in ebook on Amazon and most are available in print as well and can be find at other book retailers. Just do a search for Kimberly Rose Johnson.

What are you working on now?

Currently, I’m working on adapting one of my books to a screenplay as well as co-writing a book that is the adaptation of a movie my co-writer and I were hired to adapt.


Link to book:

Social media links: My links are on my website.






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