Meet author Lisa M. Prysock

Lisa M. Prysock is a USAT bestselling, award-winning Author of Christian Historical Romance and Christian Contemporary Romance fiction. She resides in beautiful Kentucky with her husband of twenty-five years. Empty nesters, they are slowly reclaiming the house after raising five children. They share their home with a Boston terrier mix named Bailey. Lisa loves all things books, touring historical homes, espadrilles, swimming, and walking. She refuels with coffee, tea, sketching, cross stitch, crochet, sewing, and writing.

Tell us about your newest book.

A Summer at Sagamore is a Gilded Age Christian Romance with mystery, intrigue, and delightful characters I can’t wait for readers to meet. The story centers around Jack and Abby and takes place on Green Island in the Adirondacks, upstate New York.

What inspired you to write A Summer at Sagamore?

I love writing historical books, Susan, but the opulence and progress of the Gilded Age is among my favorite time periods to write.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Abby arrives at the Sagamore Resort with her cousin, sister, and grandmother to enjoy the season of summer and write to her heart’s content using her typewriter. However, her sister and cousin are eager for her to play along and choose a beau to adore from afar as they have in summers past, but Abby doesn’t expect so much mischief and mayhem to be afoot at Sagamore, much less to find a handsome stranger so captivating.

Why do you write?

I write to share my faith in Jesus with the world. I’d like others to know about the greatness of God, the one who I delight in, the one who rescues, redeems, and saves me.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

My schedule can get a little crazy when I’m writing a book. It’s not unusual for me to work nights to finish a manuscript. I may even pull a few all-nighters to make a deadline.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

The hardest part of being an author is juggling the marketing when I’d like to be writing. I’d like to spend more time writing, but the truth is, even when traditionally published, authors need to spend an adequate amount of time strategizing on building sales, setting up advertising, and implementing ways to spread the word about their books. It’s also hard to find balance as an author. I have so many ideas and stories I want to write, but it’s important to take time to nurture relationships, tend daily and weekly responsibilities, and refuel too.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

I love working from home and being able to share my faith in a creative way. I also love the amazing support readers give me. It’s so encouraging.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

One unusual thing about me is I sometimes see brief scenes for my books play out in my mind like a movie. This makes it easier for me to write the scenes because I can picture some elements, characters, events, and settings for the book.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

Oh, my goodness! I’ve grown so much. I’m continually learning how to improve as a writer. I don’t think we ever stop growing in this industry. I tend to go through phases, like the “too many commas” phase, “too many exclamation points” phase, and so on. We learn from our mistakes, but it’s good to also laugh at ourselves and move forward. I try not to take any criticism to heart because there’s always someone out there who won’t like your work, but many readers will love your work.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

Thanks for asking about this, Susan. I’ve been writing since 2011 and have about fifty titles at present. Readers can find my books at my website, There’s a carousel on the home page and they can scroll through and see all of my book covers. If they see some they’d like to purchase, they can click on the cover to find it Amazon. A few of my books are found at many retailers and many are exclusive to Amazon, but A Summer at Sagamore is currently offered at many retailers.

What are you working on now?

I’m currently writing Book 2 in my new King’s Crossing series, following the release of Book 1, The Gardener’s Daughter. It’s more Gilded Age romance but with a royal romance twist and takes place on a fictional set of islands. Readers tell me they love the fictional elements in Book 1. I wasn’t sure if they’d like it or not, so I’m elated to hear this feedback.


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1 Comments on “Meet author Lisa M. Prysock

  1. Thank you so much for this blog interview and sharing about my writing, Susan! These were interesting questions and fun to answer.

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