Meet Kathy Collard Miller

Welcome, Kathy!

Here’s her bio: Kathy Collard Miller loves her family, writing, and speaking. She is wife to Larry for over 45 years, has two children, and two grandchildren. She is amazed God has given her the incredible privilege of writing over 50 books, numerous articles, and speaking in 8 foreign countries and over 30 states. Plus, she and Larry are co-authors and lay counselors.


Tell us about your newest book. Whispers of My Heart: Daughters of the King Bible Study Series is one of the twelve books in a women’s Bible study series that came out originally in the 1990’s. Since the twelve books went out of print, I’d always wanted to update and expand the books. And Elk Lake Publishing Inc. has given me that opportunity and privilege. Whispers of My Heart has ten lessons on prayer with commentary and questions that can be used by individuals or groups. These books were very popular years ago and I still receive requests for copies. So I’m excited about having the series available again. Choices of the Heart (revised and expanded) has been available for a few months longer and now Whispers of My Heart joins it.

What genre do you focus on and why? I write only non-fiction. I find non-fiction pretty easy after so many years and I’m comfortable in that genre. Or could it be that an agent once said to me, “Stick to non-fiction”? Hmmmm, that could have something to do with it.

Why do you write? What drives you? I am driven to communicate practical and applicable biblical ideas to readers which will draw them closer to knowing God’s love for them and empower them to trust God more. I think our human cry most often is, “God, do you care and love me? And can you be trusted?” Interestingly when the disciples woke up Jesus in the storm tossed boat, fearing they would die, these strong fishermen (who had experienced many storms) cried out, “Teacher, do you not care we are perishing?” What motivates our worry, doubt, and any sinful response is a lie that God doesn’t love us; that He can’t be trusted. Knowing the truth about God and trusting His love has made a huge difference for me and I want to share the joy with others.

What does a day in your writing world look like? I have the incredible blessing of wanting to be at my desk writing more than just about anything else—except being with those I love and am close to. Lots of writers have to wait for inspiration. I may experience writers block but it seems to dissipate pretty fast. I just love working with words and as I look to God to guide me, the words flow. As a result, I’m at my desk writing unless God leads in another direction. I am also a speaker and lay counselor so any given day is different but it’s definitely an adventure to see how God will lead.

What is the hardest part of being an author? Why? Knowing what to work on at any given moment is the hardest about my writing. A writer does so many different things: creating, promoting, blogging, speaking, and marketing. Plus social media can be good but addicting. I’ve been mediating on the concept of abiding (John 15:5) for almost two years and I’m sure it’ll be a future book. But abiding through seeking God moment by moment and evaluating my motives empowers me to know God’s direction.

What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why? The best part for me is finding out God used the concepts of a particular book to enlighten a reader. Or best of all, that reader more fully knows he or she is loved by God and then is set free from lies which block her trust in God. The other day I received an email from a woman and she explained she heard me speak twenty years. My story of overcoming being an abusive mom gave her hope and instruction for dealing with her own anger. She had carried with her the notes from that meeting through several house changes and shared the ideas with others. She was writing to ask me to speak at a young mom’s group, which she was coordinating. It was such a joy to see her again.

What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author? Well, I haven’t actually experienced this but I’m hoping I will some day and it would be crazy! I’m hoping some day to be in a public place and see someone reading one of my books. I want to see the look on her face when I stand in front of her and ask, “Would you like me to autograph that book for you?” There’s still time for that to happen, right?

What are you most shocked by? I’m most thrilled and shocked that what I thought God could never use, He has used abundantly. Over 40 years ago when I was physically and verbally abusing my two-year-old daughter and convinced it was only a matter of time before I killed her in one of my rages, I had no hope and almost committed suicide. I prayed and begged for an instantaneous deliverance but thought God had given up on me, even though I was a Christian, because there was none showing up. Then God began changing me through little steps over time. He healed the relationships between me and my daughter, and me and my husband. I wrote an article about it, then a book, and then shared my story at my church. That was the beginning of a ministry that has continued for 40 years, taking me around the world. God proved his creativity and faithfulness and He receives all the glory for it. It’s still shocking and thrilling to me.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know. My currently available books are a women’s Bible study series including Choices of the Heart and Whispers of My Heart. And women’s spiritual growth books like Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries and Never Ever Be the Same: A New You Starts Today (co-authored with my husband, Larry).

What are you working on now? I finished recently another Bible study in the women’s Bible study series (Daughters of the King Bible Study Series): At the Heart of Friendship. It’ll be available late summer, 2017. And now I’m working on the fourth Bible study book on the topic of the Proverbs: Heart Wisdom. I’m excited that these expanded and updated versions of my Bible study series (from the 1990’s) are available.


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