A Summer at Thousand Island House

Hi friends!

Do you have Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited? Guess what?

The second edition of A Summer at Thousand Island House is now free in the library. If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, even if you purchased the first edition, it would be so helpful if you download the book as one of your free borrows. Flip through it to see the new parts!

BTW, my FB accounts have been hacked, so I’m struggling to connect with folks. If you know someone who might be interested in this…or all my books…please let them know.

Thanks so much for your support and a very Merry Christmas!

Smiles, Susan


Thousand Islands Fiction


Meet author Alyssa Schwarz

Alyssa is a Colorado native who attended the Colorado School of Mines, got her masters in Geological Engineering, and promptly became a watercolor artist and author (as one does). She loves writing heartfelt romances with happy endings, a bit of mystery, faith, humor, and second chances. You can find her online at https://www.authoralyssaschwarz.com/

Tell us about your newest book.

Fields of Glass is the final book in the Prescott Family Romance series, and offers a dual romance for the last remaining Prescott cousins, Micah and Caden. Micah will do anything to save his family’s sheep ranch, and Caden is still searching for his direction in life while he helps out his cousin with the sheep and fields. Under threats of foreclosure from the bank and a city firm pressuring him to sell, Micah has enough problems to worry about before corporate representative Grace shows up and the only bridge into town washes out. Set on a ranch in the mountains of southern Colorado, this story takes readers on a journey of forgiveness and finding one’s true worth in God.

What inspired you to write Fields of Glass?

I knew I wanted to wrap up the series and give each cousin a happy ending, and I also knew that throwing the oldest and youngest cousin together on a sheep ranch would be a lot of fun to write about. Besides forgiveness, one of the main themes of this story is this idea that God is our great Shepherd. This is something I’ve really been trying to lean into this past year, and while it can be difficult at times to listen to His directions, we can trust that He is already walking ahead of us. I wanted to find a way to convey that in a story, so a wounded rancher trying to revive a family sheep ranch seemed like the perfect backdrop.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Be prepared to learn about bee keeping with a comedic twist, enjoy the everyday ins and outs of a slower-paced life on a ranch in the middle of God’s beautiful creation in Colorado, and be touched by a heartwarming story with themes of forgiveness, redemption, second-chances, and love.

What genre do you focus on?

So far, I’ve focused on writing contemporary Christian fiction romance. Although, as a reader, I love both contemporary and historical Christian fiction. They’re both so different from one another, but they both have the power to speak life and truth into our lives. I’m planning for my next book to be a split time WW2 story, so something very different to have fun with!

Why do you write?

God has opened so many doors for me to pursue this dream, and every day is a step in faith.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

There are four main characters in this book: Micah Prescott, Caden Prescott, Callie Spencer, and Francis (Grace) Riley. Based on the story’s themes, I immediately knew I wanted the female lead to be named Grace, and equally fitting that she choses to go by that name when it isn’t even her first name. It shows the hint that she desperately wants to find grace and love, even if she doesn’t realize it just yet. Callie is a friendly soul, and reminds me very much of Anne from Green Gables. I wanted to give her a whimsical name worthy of the heroine, but not something as old-fashioned as Cordelia. Caden and Micah’s names go all the way back to The Glass Cottage, and while they have less meaning behind them, I fell in love with the unique names the moment I read them.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I have another part-time job, so I mainly write Wednesdays through Fridays. Every day is a little bit of writing, editing, coming up with creative ideas for Instagram posts or marketing plans…

I probably should create more of a firm schedule to stick to, but the helter-skelter method has worked so far!

What is the hardest part of being an author?

As an indie author, I often feel the struggle of having to wear so many hats: author, marketer, publisher, editor, graphic designer… It can be a lot, but I try and give myself time and space to focus on each one when need be.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

I love that I get to do something creative. My background is in geological engineering, which oddly enough involves a fair bit of storytelling in itself, but it’s so much more fun getting to dream up stories all day.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

This past year has brought with it a lot of challenges, and I feel (hope) I’ve grown from them all in some way. I’m still learning a TON from other amazing writers, and I look forward continuing to grow my craft in the future.

What is your favorite pastime?

Recently, I’ve really gotten into reading cook books from the library. There’s something so exciting about finding new recipes and experimenting until you find something you love.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

Yes! I have two other books out in the same series: Dear Beth (a novella prequel), The Glass Cottage, and The Glass Road. I’ve also written a handful of flash fiction stories for Spark Flash Fiction online magazine.

What are you working on now?

I’ve got a couple projects currently in the works, and they span from modern day Washington to WW2 Kiev and Budapest.

Website: https://www.authoralyssaschwarz.com/

Link to book: https://www.amazon.com/Fields-Glass-Prescott-Family-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CCC1Y9CF?ref_=ast_author_dp

Social media links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authoralyssaschwarz

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alyssaschwarzauthor/

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/alyssa-schwarz?fbclid=IwAR0Vkoc46au6Qrb52SedU99TnC4J9nzXN2ubsgPaGNiEy1_8vcvxLf1fC88

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21846420.Alyssa_Schwarz

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/alyssaschwarzauthor/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Alyssa-Schwarz/author/B09HR9RVWV?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true





Meet author Davalynn C. Spencer

Internationally acclaimed novelist and Will Rogers Gold Medallion winner, Davalynn Spencer writes Western romance set along the Front Range of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. She is a Publisher’s Weekly and ECPA bestselling author of contemporary and historical fiction. An award-winning rodeo journalist and former crime-beat reporter, she is a member of the Colorado Humanities CBA Speakers Bureau, teaches writing workshops, plays on her church worship team, and loves bacon and chocolate. Just not together. https://www.davalynnspencer.com.

Tell us about your newest book.

Widowed romance novelist, Georgia Andrews, has spent the last five years in the imaginary arms of her rugged heroes. Her work keeps her heart up, her head down, and her bills paid. But she needs something else this Christmas. When her handsome, widowed pastor takes more than a passing interest in her, she wonders if there is hope in her real life for a second-chance romance.

Dave Weatherford’s sprawling ranch house echoes since his wife’s passing. As an interim pastor, he still has time to maintain his heritage ranch, but maintaining his heart is another matter, especially at Christmas. When he sees Georgia Andrews sitting in the next to the last pew at church, he decides a second chance is what he needs, especially in this miraculous season of love.

What inspired you to write A Mistletoe Christmas?

I wanted to write a romance between a man and a woman with a little silver in their hair. Hope can be found between the lines of this story, and what better time to share hope than at Christmas?

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Widowed novelist Georgia Andrews has a choice: another lonely Christmas or a real, live hero. Dave Weatherford easily maintains his heritage ranch, but not his empty heart. They both need a second chance, especially in this miraculous season of love.

What genre do you focus on?

I’m #lovingthecowboy and that means there is a rugged cowboy in every one of my eighteen titles whether they are historical Western or contemporary ranch life.

Why do you write?

I’ve written stories since my sixth-grade teacher’s early encouragement, and I’ve found that they fill me as well as draw me out. I’ve always been interested in how couples met and asked that question even during my years as a newspaper reporter. Basically, I write for the same reason I eat and sleep!

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

My two main characters are Dave and Georgia, a small switch-up from the actual names of two people I know.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

My writing goal is 2,000 words a day until the first draft is completed. I typically write Monday through Friday, but I never write on Sunday. God knew what He was doing when He told His people, “Give it a rest!”

What is the hardest part of being an author?

Marketing is my least favorite aspect of life as an author, but it is a necessary evil. Maybe I’ll change that last word to “unpleasantry.”

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

It is extremely fulfilling to hear from readers who see an aspect of God and faith that they hadn’t previously recognized. Writing weaves into my life purpose which is to proclaim God and His faithfulness.

What’s one thing your readers should know about you?

I have a little silver in my hair.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

I believe my craft has improved over the years. I love words and the way they draw people.

What is your favorite pastime?

Planting and growing sunflowers, playing on my church worship team, walking in the mornings, and reading in the evenings. Clearly, I can’t pick just one.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

All my books can be accessed via my website at www.davalynnspencer.com/books:

The Columbine Bride is free to newsletter subscribers at https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h3d8g8

The Canon City Chronicles:

Loving the Horseman Book 1

Straight to My Heart Book 2

Romancing the Widow Book 3

The Canon City Chronicles ­– Books 1-3

A Change of Scenery Book 4

Hope is Built Book 5


Front Range Brides:

Mail-Order Misfire

An Improper Proposal

An Unexpected Redemption

An Impossible Price


The Snowbound Bride

Snow Angel

Just in Time for Christmas

A High-Country Christmas

A Boarding House Christmas

A Mistletoe Christmas

The Miracle Tree

Always a Wedding Planner (collection)

Nonfiction: Always Before Me – 90 story-devotions for women


What are you working on now?

I’m currently working on Book 6 of the beloved Western romance series, The Cañon City Chronicles. Covering Grace tells the story of Grace Hutton in the early 1900s, a former Wild West performer and sister of Cale and Hugh Hutton, the third generation of the Hutton family.


Website: www.davalynnspencer.com

Link to book: TBA

Social media links:

Blog: https://davalynnspencer.com/subscribe/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorDavalynnSpencer

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/davalynnspencer/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/davalynnspencer

BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/davalynn-spencer

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5051432.Davalynn_Spencer

Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/davalynnspencer/boards/

Amazon Author: https://amazon.com/author/davalynnspencer




Meet author Linore Burkard

An award-winning traditionally and independently published author, Linore Rose Burkard is best known for inspirational Regency romance. Her first novel with Harvest House Publishers, (Before the Season Ends) opened the genre for CBA. Linore also writes contemporary romance, and, as L. R. Burkard, YA/suspense. A magna cum laude graduate of CUNY, Linore now lives in Ohio with her husband and five adult children where she’s president of the Dayton Christian Scribes and active at church.

Tell us about your newest book.

Forever Lovely is a Regency time travel romance, a sequel to Forever, Lately.  The books are fast-paced fun with adventure, peril and romance elements that catapult the characters into time travel between Regency England (the time of Jane Austen) and the present day. In the sequel, I was able to develop a wonderful side character from book one, Miss Margaret Andrews, now three years older. She finds herself stranded in present-day New York along with St. John (whom we know and love from Book One). Margaret is desperate to find an invention to bring back to the past to make herself a name in society, for, lacking her sister’s famous beauty, she is known only as a bluestocking. St. John needs to get back in time for the birth of his first child. But the tallit, the “divinely magical” prayer shawl that transports them through time isn’t behaving, seeming to have ideas of its own. When Margaret is befriended by Stewart Russell, a young man curiously dressed in fashions of the Regency, she is soon enveloped in a life-or-death mix-up, while, to her astonishment, falling in love! Can she and St. John find a way to get back to the past? And if they do, what will happen to Stewart?

What inspired you to write your time travel series?

I’d watched a time travel movie years ago that I enjoyed but couldn’t help feeling there were so many missed opportunities for more humor. (Having written a screenplay since then, I realize now how very limiting that structure is.) But suddenly I had time-traveling characters in my head that wouldn’t stop talking, so I wrote Forever, Lately. It was great fun, but I wasn’t thinking of doing a sequel at that time. When I realized that many readers loved the story as I did, the sequel idea emerged. Unfortunately, life events hindered my progress. So, this book has been a long time coming. I’m thrilled to finally have it to offer to readers!

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Two Regency era time travelers get stranded in present-day New York City where they run into a deadly plot and must race the clock to get back to the past before the unthinkable happens.

What genre do you focus on?

My favorite genre is Regency romance, primarily because it’s rich with atmosphere, period details, delightful dialogue and costume, and all mixed with humor. It was a time when manners mattered and nominal faith was a given, but a woman’s fate depended largely on whether she married well.  As Jane Austen knew, these elements lend themselves to compelling stories and, happily for romance writers, compelling love stories with happy-ever-after endings. I also love the opportunity to portray the earnest faith that many Christians had in that day, Anglican or otherwise, and how that faith informs their love stories. (Austen would have considered it unnecessary, ‘preaching to the choir,’ as she assumed her audience was Anglican like herself, sharing the same values and moral codes.) There were many aspects to the Regency, both good and bad, but if I had to sum up the Regency romance in one word it would be “FUN!”

What is the hardest part of being an author?

The hardest part for me is having to say ‘no’ to other things to make room for writing, and often, how that looks to friends and acquaintances. Probably 90 percent of a writer’s social circle has no idea of the sacrifice of time that must be made to produce good writing, (and they’ll never understand).  I don’t mind that it’s a solitary profession, (I enjoy alone time), but it’s easy to feel that writing fiction isn’t as “worthy” as other ministries, especially when a church doesn’t really acknowledge that it is a ministry. Couple this with the usual obstacles to creativity—fear of failure, procrastination, family and home, perhaps a book that doesn’t sell—and it becomes toilsome. Yet all this propels me to the fact that it’s a matter of calling. Knowing that I have a calling to use a talent God gave me is what I fall back on, no matter which obstacle faces me at a given time or for a current project.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

What I most enjoy besides the writing itself (which can also be difficult) is hearing from readers who were touched by my work. When they take the time to write me a note, it means they also took the time to find my business address from my website or newsletter, and that means something. Even if it’s just an email, that’s great too—either way, I know I’ve blessed someone. My prayer as a writer is to point people to a loving God in a way that is engaging (preferably with humor) and entertaining, because fiction should at least be that. And hearing I’ve accomplished that in someone’s life, especially when they’ve been blessed spiritually, is the best return I can get.

What’s one thing your readers should know about you?

What most readers don’t know is that Nick Harrison, then an editor with Harvest House, ran across my first novel a few times when it was self-published and requested a copy of it. I hesitated to send it since it had been rejected by two publishers (I knew nothing about publishing, and took those two measly rejections to mean I wasn’t good enough.) I think he had to contact me twice—God bless him!—before I sent it. The result was contracts with HHP for my first trilogy of Regency romances, beginning with Before the Season Ends. Nick is the one who really should get credit for the first true Christian Regency to hit the market, as it was due to his interest in the genre and persistence with me.

What are your favorite pastimes?

Except for reading, this changes over time, but currently it’s going for a swim in the pool, improving my Spanish with daily lessons, and wordy “brain games.” During baseball season, I watch the Mets. (Once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker.) I love cooking and making homemade products like cheese, toothpaste, laundry soap, hand cream, you name it. But recently, my back complains if I stand too long in the kitchen, so I’ve had to cut back on all that.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

I have a second Regency trilogy, “The Brides of Mayfair,” a YA post-apocalyptic trilogy, “The Pulse Effex Series,” my time travel, Forever, Lately, and two contemporary romance novels, Falling In (Love!) and One Cinderella Night. I have a novella that is perpetually free on Amazon, a short historical romance (Georgian era) called Three French Hens. Like most writers, I also have files of unfinished novels and an idea folder for ones I’d love to write. (I always find it curious when someone says they have trouble finding ideas. I have far too many for one lifetime!)

What are you working on now?

I’d like to finish a “Titanic love story” (working title, Unsinkable Love) where much of the action takes place on the ship, and for which I did extensive research. The book is at least 75 percent done, so I hope for a 2024 release. I have two children’s books calling out to me like kids who won’t go to sleep at night (they’re written, but not published), so I hope to get them out to the world in 2024 as well!

Website: https://www.LinoreBurkard.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/123347423926 or https://www.facebook.com/LinoreRoseBurkard






Meet author Joan Benson

Joan Benson is a wife, a mom to four adult married children, and a grandmom to eight wonderful people. She was an educator/reading specialist and pursuant to that, she wrote for educational publishing companies for many years. Joan’s energies today are spent writing and sharing God’s truth in a women’s speaking group. Her debut historical fiction novel was released in 2020 with another fiction novel in development now.

She co-authored a series of four children’s picture books with Marjorie Wingert in 2022. They call the four books The Cornerstone Concepts for Kids because they teach important truths about culture and life from a biblical perspective. The first book was released in March of 2023 by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. God’s ABCs, addresses gender identity by affirming God’s meaningful intent, plans, and purposes for each child. It recently was awarded an Honorable Mention for Children’s Fiction in the 2023 Golden Scrolls Award.

Tell us about your newest book:

God’s Human Race addresses diversity in America from God’s point of view as seen in scripture. God’s Human Race presents an understanding of God’s love for all of mankind, no matter what color their skin may be. God’s plan is for all races to uplift and complement the other, not to compete, accuse, or attack. The goal of this story is for young children to embrace and celebrate the higher plan of Creator God before cultural racial division indoctrinates them.

What inspired you to write The Cornerstone Series for Children?

My co-author (Marjorie Wingert) and I spoke at our local school board meeting in the summer of 2021 concerning the teaching of gender fluidity and Critical Race Theory in schools. As a result, we started writing age-appropriate God-concepts to help pre-schoolers learn biblical truth prior to cultural indoctrination.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

In this rhyming story, readers discover the beauty of our collective differences. The biblical analogy of the Body of Christ and its integrated parts expresses how humans of various races should view each other, not as one better than the other, but as needing each other. God’s Human Race builds an understanding of God’s love for all of mankind, no matter what color their skin may be. God’s plan is for all races to uplift and complement the other, not to compete, accuse, or attack.

What genre do you focus on?

I have not stayed in one genre to create a brand like I have been advised for marketing purposes. I’ve written with a passion in my heart to tell the stories God has given me. His Gift is historical fiction based on a true conflict in my mom’s life growing up at the onset of The Great Depression. A young musician’s hopes and dreams are dashed by circumstances much larger than she can control. The eternal question remains when our dreams are snatched, how do we find hope and peace? My current fiction novel is about a young woman who faces her fate after a moral lapse. Should she decide a path forward that hides her guilt to protect her loved ones from shame, or should she confront her failure and acknowledge her consequences?

Why do you write?

I write because I believe all of us struggle with our walks of faith from time to time, and I want to inspire and equip Christians with biblical truth. As for the children’s books, I believe Christian parents need all the resources they can gather to protect their little ones. The negative influences of the current culture are targeting our youngest children – in library books, movies supposedly for children’s entertainment, public education, etc. I believe parents need to arm their babies and preschoolers, even before they are old enough to fully comprehend scripture. They are not old enough to “put on the armor of God” for themselves, so their loving adults must put it on for them. In the least, the children will recognize a dissonance between God’s Truth and false ideologies.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I try to designate a workable time each day in which I can devote my attention to working on the project at hand. I also do some contract writing which helps fund my inspirational writing! I always start the day in God’s Word and prayer with my husband. Without that, I am nothing.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

Self-discipline. Others around me don’t grasp my world, and they wonder why I am not freer, given my age and stage in life as a grandparent. My life is a “mystery” to most.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

I love working from home with a purpose to further God’s Kingdom on Earth. I can think of nothing better than hearing God’s calling and being able to walk in it.

What’s one thing your readers should know about you?

According to the Myers-Briggs personality/temperament test, I fall into a rare “type.” Supposedly my personality occurs in just 2 percent of the population. However, I am told I have a strong intuition, ability to listen, and much compassion. I will add to that list my emotional memory is acute. I believe I can vividly recall emotions from my previous experiences thereby equipping me to write realistically.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

I am growing in confidence that I am doing God’s will. I’m able to identify as an author without fear. I believe I have stories to write that will help others.

What is your favorite pastime?

Music, reading, creating anything beautiful including handwork.

What are you working on now? Eva’s Truth, the novel I mentioned above.

Website: https://www.joancbenson.com

Link to God’s ABCs:




A Parent/Child Devotional for God’s ABCs:



Social media links: https://www.facebook.com/YIHAVEHOPE






Meet author Janet Perez Eckles

International speaker and award-winning author, Janet Perez Eckles, has been called the excuse eraser. She overcame her complete blindness, the murder of her son, the acquittal of the man responsible, and the death of her 42-year marriage. Although her life saw tragedy, her story shines with joy within beautiful victories. She authored five books, including the Golden Scroll Award winner, Now I See. She travels across the globe inspiring others to live triumphantly.

Tell us about your newest book.

Now I See: How God’s Amazing Grace Transforms the Deepest Pain to Shining Joy. It’s my story that highlights God’s faithfulness at work. With intimate details, I illustrate episodes of heartache, tragedy and loss that were covered by God’s grace. The journey shines with pain turned to peace, heartache to healing and blindness to a view of God’s beautiful unending love.

What inspired you to write Now I See?

A desire to showcase God’s restoring power that’s vibrantly alive today.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

God’s Word shines with hope through Janet’s story. Blind at 30, the murder of her child, her husband’s abandonment –were no match for God’s restoring power that ushered joy inside beautiful victories.

What genre do you focus on?

Nonfiction, inspirational. The world is in chaos. A real-life illustration of God’s redemptive love speaks to the fear and anxiety that plague millions today.

Why do you write?

That woman or man who sinks in despair, feeling trapped, overwhelmed by life and hungry for hope. They become my motivation to pen a message of freedom.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

After my work as a Spanish interpreter, I sit at the computer for my first draft. As I wake up in the mornings, God places more words, insights and messages to include in my writing.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

Having enough time to write all that rumbles in my head.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

A letter from one of my readers relating how my book changed them.

What’s one thing your readers should know about you?

In my college years, I did everything I could to avoid writing term papers. I detested the idea of writing more than a page. God has a sense of humor.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

When I arrived in the U.S. I didn’t speak a word of English, and here I am—writing books in English! I lost my eyesight at 30, and here I am writing books.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

I learned the craft of writing, the art of overcoming rejections, the arduous work needed to achieve compelling writing that touches my readers’ hearts.

What is your favorite pastime?


Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

Yes, four previous books that also inspire on different levels.

What are you working on now?

The outline of a Bible study to accompany my latest release, Now I See.

Website: www.janetperezeckles.com

Link to book:  www.janetperezeckles.com

Social media links:

Facebook (personal): Janet Perez Eckles-Settles


Facebook (professional): Janet Perez Eckles – Author & Speaker


Twitter: Janet Eckles (@janeteckles)

Instagram: Janet Perez Eckles-Settles (@janetperezeckles)


Pinterest: Janet Perez Eckles (@janetperezeckles)

LinkedIn: Janet (Motivational Speaker, Best-selling Author) Perez Eckles


YouTube: Janet Perez Eckles (@JanetPerezEckles)
