Meet author Sandra Merville Hart

Sandra Merville Hart, award-winning and Amazon bestselling author of inspirational historical romances, loves to discover little-known yet fascinating facts from American history to include in her stories. Her desire is to transport her readers back in time. She is also a blogger, speaker, and conference teacher. Connect with Sandra on her blog,

Tell us about your newest book.

A Not So Persistent Suitor, book 2 in the Second Chances series, is set in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1883-84. It’s a turbulent period for the citizens of the city, yet Cora and Ben have their own battles to wage. Their relationship suffers a setback that shows both of them they have issues to work on before continuing. Additionally, Ben, a reporter, struggles to overcome problems at his newspaper to save his former position. Cora’s pursuit of her final year of kindergarten training brings its own challenges. He’s fighting for his career. She’s bent on achieving her own goals. Will their love survive a second chance at happily ever after?

What inspired you to write A Not So Persistent Suitor?

I’ve wanted to write a novel set in historic Cincinnati for several years. The big city had a population over a quarter million in the 1880s. Some of the famous landmarks that folks recognize today—such as the Suspension Bridge and Fountain Square, had already been built by then. I’ve included some familiar sights to modern readers while showing what it was like to live in the city in the late 1800s. I hope that readers will feel transported back to those earlier days.

What genre do you focus on?

I write historical romances set in the United States. I love my country and want to know its history. Learning our history as a natural part of historical novels makes the story more appealing to me and that spurred my desire to write novels where readers are transported back in time. Several of my novels are set during the Civil War, a turbulent period that fascinates me. This is my favorite genre to read so it makes sense that it’s my favorite one to write.

Why do you write?

Even before I was writing books, stories plagued me constantly. My imagination would soar as a plot played out like movie inside my head. It was fun to imagine it from beginning to end, changing aspects of the story here and there to play out how the changes affected the climax. Now that I’m actually writing, it’s a lot more satisfying to get the stories on paper. I can’t describe the feeling of accomplishment it brings to hold a novel you’ve written in your hands for the first time. I don’t want to stop!

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

Our heroine’s name is Cora Welch. I often search for inspiration for characters’ names among people I’ve met. Maybe I overhear an interesting name at the grocery story. Sometimes I will use the name of a close friend or family for a minor character to honor them. Sometimes I name a character after a loved one who has passed on—those resonate with me as I write. Civil War research for actual regiments is also a great source for surnames.

In this case, I wanted a salt-of-the-earth girl’s name, for we first meet her in A Not So Convenient Marriage, book 1, where she’s a fourteen-year-old orphan. Her faith impressed me. Ben Findlay, her beau, is the one who struggles with his faith in A Not So Persistent Suitor.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I work daily, including weekends when my husband and I don’t have plans. If we have plans on Saturday evening, I work as much of the day as possible. During the week—when not babysitting my small grandchildren—I arise early and start work between 6 and 7 am when on a deadline. I take breaks when I need them and usually stop for the day around suppertime. It’s a demanding schedule that entails far more than writing novels. To keep myself focused and organized, I maintain “To Do” lists. Some items require months to complete (write a novel, for instance) while others may take two hours. If I must remember to do something, I include it on my list.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

The demanding schedule. While I love writing and don’t want to do anything else, I wish it didn’t require so much of my day. In retrospect, my former jobs were also demanding and I had to stay organized to complete tasks, usually well before the deadline. That taught me discipline, which has helped my writing career.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

That’s easy—connecting with readers and other authors. I’ve been blessed with so many new friendships through writing. What an amazing blessing!

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

I feel like I grow as a writer with each book that reaches “The End”—my favorite words! I suffer with my characters and rejoice in their victories. Authors spend so much time “getting to know” their characters to enable them to tell their stories. It seems to me that my heart expands with every story as I consider several sides to the issues. Also, the act of writing a book and going through edits from a gifted editor help to hone an author’s skills so that you’re constantly working to become a better writer.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

I do! Thank you for asking. A Not So Convenient Marriage, book 1 in my Second Chances series, released in November. As you know, A Not So Persistent Suitor, book 2, releases on February 14th. (Such a treat to release a historical romance novel on Valentine’s Day!) A Not So Peaceful Journey, book 3, releases in June. I also published the first 3 books in my Spies of the Civil War series in 2022, beginning with Avenue of Betrayal. You’ll find the characters you’ve loved in previous books along with new ones in both of these series. Wild Heart Books has created a Kindle set for the “Spies of the Civil War” novels—a deal for readers. Additionally, I have three other Civil War books that can be read as stand-alone. A Rebel in My House, A Musket in My Hands and A Stranger on My Land. I’ve also written for collections..

What are you working on now?

I’m currently researching for book 4 in my Spies of the Civil War series right now. There’s a lot of research that goes into Civil War novels. I’ve sent a few stacks of books back to the library and have a few others that I’m holding onto while I continue to read about what happened in Vicksburg. Both citizens and soldiers endured much in and around that city and I’m writing about 160 years later.


Link to book: Amazon

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Amazon Author Page





Meet author Ellen Fannon

Award winning author, Ellen Fannon, is a newly retired veterinarian, former missionary, and church pianist/organist. She and her retired Air Force pilot-turned-pastor husband have fostered more than forty children and have two adopted sons. She has published three novels, and her stories have appeared in One Christian Voice, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Divine Moments, and Guideposts; and her devotions have appeared in Open Windows, Guideposts-All God’s Creatures, and The Secret Place.

Tell us about your newest book.

My newest book, Honor Thy Father, is the story of a family who is torn apart through a series of unfortunate events. The story follows each main character’s life through twenty-five years. When the patriarch of the family needs a life-saving bone marrow transplant, the family must come together and put aside misunderstandings and bitterness. It is a story of loss and redemption, and how God can turn tragedy into triumph.

What inspired you to write Honor Thy Father?

I have been working on Honor Thy Father for thirty-five years. I originally got the idea after reading about the journey of a man who had undergone a bone marrow transplant for leukemia. Over the years, I have revised the novel numerous times to include making it Christian-based.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Besides the brief summary above, the story is told from the aspect of several different characters’ experiences and points of view. The chapters are broken up between characters, so the reader must wait to find out what happens next with that particular character. The book also illustrates how ideas or beliefs we have held our entire lives can be wrong. Honor Thy Father teaches there are always consequences to sin and our sin affects other people, sometimes with tragic results. But God can ultimately make beauty from ashes.

What genre do you focus on?

I primarily focus on humorous Christian fiction, as seen in my three previous novels. Honor Thy Father is different, in that it is a drama—and for that reason, I believe there is more emotional depth.

Why do you write?

I write because I can’t not write. I have been writing since the age of three. Well, not exactly writing since I didn’t know how to write at that age, but I made up stories and drew pictures. Writing is a passion that God placed in my heart.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

I have several main characters: Adam, the patriarch, his three children, Charlotte, Dana, and Scott, and his second wife, Katrina. I chose the names because I liked them.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I haven’t had a defined writing schedule because I just retired from full-time veterinary practice. I wrote whenever I had free time.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

The hardest part of being an author is having to do marketing. I don’t like marketing and I’m not good at it.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

The best part of being an author is having someone say they enjoyed something I wrote or having someone say that something I wrote touched them. I have had strangers reach out to me and that is always a humbling experience.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

My husband and I served as missionaries to Indonesia from 1999-2001. I originated and wrote a pet advice column for our local newspaper, the Northwest Florida Daily News. I have perfect pitch. (Okay, that was three facts.)

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

I have learned so much from my Destin Word Weaver’s group and writing conferences. I feel that my writing has improved thanks to the help of so many wonderful, gifted writers who were and are willing to share their expertise with me.

What is your favorite pastime?

Not surprisingly, one of my favorite pastimes is reading. I also love playing the piano and going to the beach.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

Yes. I have three other novels: Save the Date, Don’t Bite the Doctor and Other People’s Children

What are you working on now?

I am finishing episode 2 of Honor Thy Father. I am also working on devotions for Guideposts All God’s Creatures.


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Meet author Heidi Chiavaroli

Heidi Chiavaroli is a hope-inspired storyteller writing from the deep curiosity of her own heart. Her debut novel, Freedom’s Ring, was a Carol Award winner and a Christy Award finalist, a Romantic Times Top Pick, and a BooklistTop Ten Romance Debut. Her second Carol Award-winning novel, The Orchard House, is inspired by the lesser-known events in Louisa May Alcott’s life and led her to write The Orchard House Bed and Breakfast series, a contemporary twist on Little Women. Heidi makes her home in Massachusetts with her husband and two sons.

Tell us about your newest book.

This is the sixth book in my Orchard House Bed and Breakfast Series and it’s Amie’s story. It’s been fun imagining a modern-day Little Women family and I’ve been waiting to get to Amie from the beginning. She has some old hang-ups regarding a childhood crush who just so happens to be her sister’s husband, as well as a passion for art and not forgiving an old boyfriend who is doing everything in his power to win her back.

What inspired you to write Where Faith Belongs?

My vision for this series was to create a modern-day Little Women family and devote one book to each character. Josie starred in the first book, Maggie in the second, then Lizzie, Bronson, and now Amie. Amie’s a bit of a wild child and feels she doesn’t quite fit in with the Martin family. But I wanted to write her journey toward finding not only a place of belonging, but a place of faith.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Amie Martin feels passionate about many issues. Choosing to forgive her old boyfriend is not one of them . . . Amie Martin has never been more ready to trade in her quaint seaside Maine hometown for a life of studying art in New York. But when old flame August Colton returns to Camden and proclaims his undying love, Amie is torn between her future plans and forgiving August’s secret past.

What genre do you focus on?

Oh, that’s such a great question. I started in publishing with dual timeline novels, which I still really love. This series is my first venture in lighter, contemporary fiction, and it’s been a lot of fun. I feel like I could hang out writing stories like these for a while, but I do love my history so much.

Why do you write?

Writing is something I can’t imagine not doing. Even when I was getting rejections or bad contest scores in the decade leading up to my first contract, something kept pulling me back. At this point, it feels like a part of me. Not doing it would be like walking around without a limb.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

Since Amie Martin is my modern-day version of Amy March, the name was pretty easy.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I write during the day while the house is quiet. I usually do marketing, email, and social media stuff in the morning and then ideally take a break to exercise. After a meal and shower, I’m ready to write for the afternoon.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

For me, it’s been figuring out why one book—that may have finaled in or won awards—may not sell as well as another book that to me, didn’t seem to be my best work. Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to this marketing stuff. But I keep at it because I love it and each story grows me, whether it’s my next bestseller or not.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

I love living in my stories. I love the myriad of possibilities before me, creating something from nothing. To me, it enriches every other area of my life.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

I’m a little obsessed with being outdoors. Even in the coldest of weather, I’ll venture out for a hike. In the summer, I’ll sit outside no matter how hot it gets. If I’m indoors too long, I start feeling claustrophobic. A room without windows is definitely a cruel and unusual way to punish me.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

I’m learning to take critiques, edits, and general hard truths about marketing better. I used to take everything very personally and it used to take me months to look at a story I’d get feedback on and convince myself to rework it. Now, I realize it is just part of the process and get to it.

What is your favorite pastime?


Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

Dual Timeline Books

The Orchard House

The Tea Chest

The Hidden Side

Freedom’s Ring

The Edge of Mercy

Hope Beyond the Waves

The Orchard House Bed and Breakfast Series

Where Grace Appears

Where Hope Begins

Where Love Grows

Where Memories Await

Where Dreams Reside

Where Faith Belongs

Where Promises Remain (Spring, 2023)

What are you working on now?

The last book in the series releases is May, so I’m having fun working on that. It’s a bit of a change in that it’s about the mother of all the adult kids I’ve been writing about. I haven’t ever written in the point-of-view of a woman in her fifties, but I’m really enjoying the perspective.


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Fiction by Susan G Mathis

Thanks for being a faithful subscriber/reader to my blog. I often feature author friends and their work, but I thought you’d like a peek at mine this week. I have eleven so far. Which is your favorite? I’d love to know!

Susan G Mathis is an international award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the Gilded Age Thousand Islands in upstate NY. She’s been published more than twenty-five times in full-length novels, novellas, and non-fiction books.

Mary’s Moment (coming St. Patrick’s Day, March 17)

Mary Flynn is christened the community heroine for calling in a fire and saving dozens of homes. As the first telephone switchboard operator for the Thousand Islands Park, she basks in her fame but hides a secret that haunts her. Less than a month later, Mary must risk her life to call for help when an even worse fire blazes through the Thousand Islands Park Commons. Widowed fireman George Flannigan is enamored by the brave, toffee-haired lass and takes every opportunity to connect with Mary. But he has secrets of his own, and when he can’t stop the Columbian Hotel—and almost a hundred cottages—from being burned to the ground, Mary is left homeless, and she withdraws from him. Will she be consumed by her painful past or embrace the future?

A Summer at Thousand Island House (coming July, 2023, with Wild Heart Books)

Addison Bell serves children of the Thousand Island House guests on Staple’s Island. Part nanny, part entertainer, she’s full of creative energy and endearing love for children. While thriving in her work, Addi’s vivacity attracts the attention of the recreation pavilion’s manager, Liam Donovan, as well as the handsome Navy Officer Lt. Worthington, a lighthouse inspector, hotel patron, and single father of mischievous little Jimmy. When Jimmy goes missing while in Addi’s care and former President Chester Arthur finds the child a stowaway on his fishing boat, her job and reputation are endangered. How can she calm the churning waters of Liam, Lt. Worthington, and the President, clear her name, and avoid becoming the scorn of  the community?

~ ~ ~ Available now ~ ~ ~

Peyton’s Promise

Peyton Quinn is tasked with preparing the grand Calumet Castle ballroom for a summer gala. As she works in a male-dominated position of upholsterer and fights for women’s equality, she’s persecuted for her unorthodox ways. But when her pyrotechnics-engineer father is seriously hurt, she takes over the plans for the fireworks display despite being socially ostracized. Patrick Taylor, Calumet’s carpenter and Peyton’s childhood chum, hopes to win her heart, but her unconventional undertakings cause a rift. Peyton has to ignore the prejudices and persevere or she could lose her job, forfeit Patrick’s love and respect, and become the talk of local gossips.

Devyn’s Dilemma

Devyn McKenna is forced to work in the Towers on Dark Island. But when Devyn finds herself in service to the wealthy Frederick Bourne family, her life takes an unexpected turn. Brice McBride, Mr. Bourne’s valet, tries to help the mysterious Devyn find peace and love in her new world, but she can’t seem to stay out of trouble—especially when she’s accused of stealing Bourne’s money for Vanderbilt’s NYC subway expansion.

Katelyn’s Choice

Katelyn Kavanagh finds herself in the service of none other than the famous George Pullman, and the transition proves anything but easy. Thomas O’Neill also works on Pullman Island and tries to help her adjust to her new world, but she just can’t seem to tame her gossiping tongue—even when it could endanger her job, the 1872 re-election of Pullman guest President Ulysses S. Grant, and the love of the man of her dreams.

~ ~ ~

Rachel’s Reunion

Rachel Kelly serves the most elite patrons at the famed New Frontenac Hotel on Round Island. She has wondered about her old beau, Mitch, for nearly two years, ever since he toyed with her affections while on Calumet Island, then left for the high seas and taken her heart with him. Now he’s back, opening the wound she thought was healed. Mitch O’Keefe returns to claim his bride but finds it more difficult than he thought. Returning to work at the very place he hated, he becomes captain of a New Frontenac Hotel touring yacht, just to be near Rachel. But his attempts to win her back are thwarted, especially when a wealthy patron seeks her attention. Who will Rachel choose?

Colleen’s Confession

Colleen Sullivan conceals secrets when she works on Comfort Island and awaits her betrothed’s arrival. She loves to draw and dreams of growing in the craft. But tragedy strikes and her orphan dreams of finally belonging and becoming a wife and an artist are gone. What will her future hold? Jack Weiss is smitten by the lovely Irish lass. Perhaps introducing her to the famous impressionist, Alson Skinner Clark, will brighten her opinion of him. But rumors of war in Europe means Jack must choose between joining his homeland’s army or staying safe in the Thousand Islands as he makes a life with Colleen. If she will have him.

Reagan’s Reward

Reagan Kennedy assumes the position of governess to the Bernheim family’s twin nephews, and her life at Cherry Island’s Casa Blanca becomes frustratingly complicated. Service to a Jewish family and tending to eight-year-old mischievous boys brings trouble galore. Daniel Lovitz serves as the island’s caretaker and boatman. When he tries to help the alluring Reagan make sense of her new world, her insecurities mount as her confidence is shaken―especially when she crosses the faith divide and when Etta Damsky makes her life miserable. As trouble brews, Daniel sees another side of the woman he’s come to love.

Sara’s Surprise

Sara O’Neill works as an assistant pastry chef at the Thousand Islands Crossmon Hotel where she meets precocious, seven-year-old Madison and her charming father and hotel manager, Sean Graham. But Jacque LaFleur, the pastry chef Sara works under, makes her dream job a nightmare. Sean has trouble keeping Madison out of mischief and his mind off Sara. Though he finds Sara captivating, he’s jealous of LaFleur and misreads Sara’s desire to learn from the pastry chef as love. Can Sean learn to trust her and can Sara trust him—and herself to be an instant mother?

Christmas Charity

Susan Hawkins and Patrick O’Neill find that an arranged marriage is much harder than they think, especially when they emigrate from Wolfe Island, Canada, to Cape Vincent, New York, in 1864, just a week after they marry—with Patrick’s nine-year-old daughter, Lizzy, in tow. Can twenty-three-year-old Susan Hawkins learn to love her forty-nine-year-old husband and find charity for her angry stepdaughter? With Christmas coming, she hopes so.

The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy

After struggling to accept the changes forced upon her, Margaret Hawkins and her family take a perilous journey on an 1851 immigrant ship to the New World, bringing with her an Irish family quilt she is making. A hundred and sixty years later, her great granddaughter, Maggie, searches for the family quilt after her ex-pawns it. But on their way to creating a family legacy, will these women find peace with the past and embrace hope for the future, or will they be imprisoned by fear and faithlessness?




Meet author Mark R. Worden

Mark is a student of the Bible, having degrees in Bible and teaching. He served as a missionary teacher in Manaus, Brazil, and pastored a local Montana church before becoming self-employed as a handyman, property manager, and a fishing guide.  He is active in his local church in Dillon, Montana.  The writing of HE IS! was part of God’s healing and growth process in Mark’s life and occurred over a period of twelve years.

Tell us about your newest book:

I am a first-time published author having started writing “God is” devotionals and posting them on a blog. It is rather a dream come true for this unlikely author. Friends kept encouraging me to turn my devotionals into a book. I kept telling them, “Someday!”  “Someday” came in July of 2022.

What inspired you to write HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Scriptural Meditations?

While pastoring I became fascinated with Hebrews 11:6. This one verse was the spark that ignited the writing of HE IS! “But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (NKJV). I set out to find all the ‘God is’ statements in the Bible and write a short devotional on each one to help myself and others to know God better.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

“HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Scriptural Meditations” can probably be considered devotional that is inspirational in nature. I share from my own stories of life and ministry like a grandpa would tell his grandchildren to make the devotionals relatable to life and practical. At the end of each devotional there are reflection questions and more suggested Scriptures to read for one’s personal meditation and spiritual growth.  I want others to take the Hebrews 11:6 adventure that I have taken and be blessed too.

What genre do you focus on and why?

My experience is in teaching the Bible so my genre by default is teaching the Bible in a way that is inspirational, devotional, and practical.

Why do you write?

I write because I have a strong desire to share with others what God is teaching me. Others have told me I have a gift and to keep writing. My calling from God to share His truth drives me to keep ministering the word of God. I love to share what God has done for me because He first loved me. I have never gotten over God’s love for me, I hope I never do.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I have fit writing into the extra slots of time in my life over many years.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

Now that I have published my first book, I find it hard to not have more time to devote to writing because of my business responsibilities. I hope to retire someday into a ministry of writing.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

Writing helps me to grow and think more clearly about my own faith and relationship with God. My writing has been an outgrowth of my own faith journey and part of God’s healing process in my life as I learn more about Him and consequently more about myself in the process.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

I suffered from dyslexia in my early years in school until a teacher realized I needed extra help. If it were not for the help and attention of some special ed teachers, I may have never liked to read or go on to college. I am still a slow reader and writing is something at which I have to work really hard. I still am a horrible speller. I consider my publishing a book a miracle. My first year at Umpqua Community College, my English 101 professor would write my sentences on the chalkboard and dissect them for the whole class. Thankfully, he never shamed me. He and I were the only people who knew they were my sentences. It was his way of giving me some extra help because he saw potential in me. I needed lots of help. I still need help and am thankful for editors.

How have you changed or grown as a writer?

The whole publishing process has been a huge learning curve for me since staring out to publish a manuscript that I had been working on for over a decade. And then after publication there is the whole world of marketing to let other know you have a book that they should consider reading.

What is your favorite pastime?

Fly fishing and tying flies.

What are you working on now?

I have ideas for more books but have not started writing yet. Having pastored for 6 years and taught in a Bible Institute in Brazil I have a wealth of material that could be turned into books. My one book idea to follow “HE IS!” is possibly, “Who We Are because of Who HE IS!”

Website: He Is!/ Mark R. Worden (

Link to book:  


Social media links:

He is – Knowing God through 50 Scriptural Meditations | Dillon MT | Facebook

Mark R. Worden (@heisbook) • Instagram photos and videos



Meet author Denise Weimer

North Georgia native Denise Weimer has authored a dozen traditionally published novels and a number of novellas—historical and contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and time slip. Having served three years as managing editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas’ two historical imprints, as well as a freelance editor, she’s helped other authors reach their publishing dreams. A wife and mother of two daughters, Denise always pauses for coffee, chocolate, and old houses.

A Winter at the White Queen is novella #1 in the Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts, Wild Heart Books. **I’m happy to mention that Susan G Mathis will be joining us for this series in July!**

Tell us about your newest book.

Things are never quite as they appear.

Ellie Hastings is tired of playing social gatekeeper—and poor-relation companion—to her Gibson Girl of a cousin. But her aunt insists Ellie lift her nose out of her detective novel long enough to help gauge the eligibility of bachelors during the winter social season at Florida’s Hotel Belleview. She finds plenty that’s mysterious about the suave, aloof Philadelphia inventor, Lewis Thornton. Why does he keep sneaking around the hotel? Does he have a secret sweetheart? And what is his connection to the evasive Mr. Gaspachi, slated to perform at Washington’s Birthday Ball?

Ellie’s comical sleuthing ought to put Lewis out, but the diffident way her family treats her smashes a hole in his normal reserve. But when Florence Hastings’ diamond necklace goes missing, Ellie’s keen mind threatens to uncover not only Lewis’s secrets, but give him back hope for love.

What inspired you to write A Winter at the White Queen?

My author friend Jennifer Uhlarik actually birthed the idea for a collection of stories set at Florida’s Gilded Age hotels. We were so close to getting that collection green-lighted that I saw a window open in my schedule and wrote the story set at my assigned hotel, the Belleview, on faith.

Well, things did not move forward with the anticipated publisher, and my novella sat all lonely and forgotten for quite a while. When I read back over it, I thought, hey, this is a fun story! Even a little humorous, and at the same time, touching. It needs to get out there. So, I contacted Misty Beller at Wild Heart Books, for whom I’ve been doing some editing. I was overjoyed when she not only liked the idea, but she decided to publish White Queen as book one in a two-year series of novellas about Gilded Age romance at resorts all over the county!

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Oh, it’s a whirl back to the age of wonder, when anything seemed possible but the old ways struggled with the new. A romance between two people who’d feared it was too late for love.

Why do you write?

I write because I believe when God gives you a talent or a clear calling, that calling is irrevocable unless God makes it plain that He wishes otherwise. And because writing beautiful stories for Him brings me the most fulfillment of any “work” I could ever do. Interestingly enough, I feel the same way about editing. It’s not always easy to make an income in this field, but there is certainly nothing more satisfying than doing what you know you were made to do.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

I try to name my hero and heroine using a combination of searching through period names and what suits their character. I thought Ellie Hastings sounded fair and gentle and Lewis Thornton sounded polished and powerful. Ever seen/read Anne of Avonlea? Think Morgan Harris.

What is the hardest part of being an author?

The marketing. I love designing attractive memes, planning special events, and interacting with wonderful readers both at online and in-person events, but there is also an element of risk both financially and personally in getting the word out about your stories. So please be kind to us introverted authors! LOL

What’s one unusual fact about you?

I used to lead a mid-1800s dance group. We performed elegant waltzes, reels, and quadrilles at festivals and historic sites. The initial demands of book signings and sporting events for my daughters hit at about the same time, and I took a step back from the living history. But now, I’m getting my toes wet again, finding creative ways to combine my love of historical fashion and dance with my book promotion.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

Yes, indeed!

Historical fiction: The Georgia Gold Series

Dual time period: The Restoration Trilogy

Contemporary romance: Fall Flip, Spring Splash, A Holiday Heart, A Harvest Heart

Contemporary romantic suspense: A Holiday Intruder of Holly, Ivy & Intrigue, Traces

Historical romance: Redeeming Grace, Across Three Autumns of The Backcountry Brides, The Witness Tree, Bent Tree Bride

Plus several more currently under review by publishers! Praying, praying …

I would love to connect with you on social media or through my author newsletter.

And please, if you enjoy A Winter at the White Queen, consider leaving a review online. Reviews helps publishers know that my stories deserve to reach my wonderful readers. May God bless you!