Meet health author Susan Neal

Susan U. Neal lives her life with a passion to help others improve their health. She’s a RN, MBA, MHS, Certified Health and Wellness Coach and author of seven healthy living books. Her award-winning number one Amazon best seller is 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates.
Ten years ago, Susan lost her heath with ten medical diagnoses and two surgeries. It took years to recover. Now she writes books and blogs to help others reclaim their health and optimal weight.
Tell us about your newest book.
Healthy Living Series: 3 Books in 1 includes 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates and its sequel Christian Study Guide for 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates and the third book in the series, Healthy Living Journal. This series helps you to determine the root causes and solutions for your ill health or excessive weight so you can experience a more abundant life and feel good again. With this book, you get three books for the price of two.
What inspired you to write 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates?
My sister inspired me to write this book. If anyone was addicted to sugar, it was her. She loved sweets. Doughnuts in the morning, soft drinks throughout the day, bread, pasta, chocolate, and candy—you get the picture. She has been overweight since she was a child. She suffered from joint pain and irritable bowel syndrome. When my sister was forty-nine, she asked me to help her get off sugar and carbohydrates. From my experience, this is difficult to do, so I created a seven-step plan for her to follow.
One week after getting off sugars and refined carbohydrates, my sister’s energy and rosacea skin condition improved. By the second week, her joints no longer ached, and the craving for sugar subsided. Two months later, she’d lost ten pounds and felt energized. After that, she lost five pounds per month until she got to her ideal weight and her rosacea disappeared completely. Since the seven-step plan worked so well for my sister, I thought I would write a book about it to help others wean themselves off these addictive foods.
How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?
If you choose to embark on this seven-step plan, you will radically improve your health and energy by merely removing sugars and refined carbohydrates. You will lose weight naturally without going on a fad diet or buying prepared meals and supplements.
What genre do you focus on?
Nonfiction, healthy living genre because I am a registered nurse with a masters in health science, so I have a medical background. In addition, due to my illness, I understand the devastating effects of losing one’s health. So now I am passionate about helping others.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
When I hear that my readers are succeeding in improving their health and weight. This week, a reader in my Facebook group wrote, “I completed six weeks of Susan’s program on Monday. I’m down 10 pounds, and I feel tons better. My sleep and acne are improving. I feel this is a lifestyle I can realistically keep up.”
This reader’s feedback made me happy because my words through my book showed her how to eliminate nagging symptoms and successfully improve her lifestyle.
What’s one unusual fact about you?
I am a country girl. I live on five acres, raise chickens for fresh eggs, and grow a prolific fruit orchard. I’m not afraid of bugs, spiders, or snakes.
What is your favorite pastime?
I love to swim, walk, and do Christian yoga. I’m a Christian yoga teacher, and you can find my products at
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
Yes, Solving the Gluten Puzzle helps readers discover if they are gluten sensitive and how to embrace the gluten-free lifestyle. If you think you might have an issue with gluten, take my quiz at
What are you working on now?
I just finished four eBook cookbooks:
- Breakfast Cookbook
- All About Salads Cookbook
- Soup and Bread Cookbook
- Main Dishes Cookbook
You can find them on my website.
Link to the Healthy Living Series book:
Social media links: You can follow Susan on:
If you would like to improve your health and weight, please join Susan’s Facebook group, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar, Carbs, and Gluten at
Meet author Becky Harling

Becky Harling is a best-selling author and popular speaker at conferences, retreats and other events. Her books include, Rewriting your Emotional Script, Freedom From Performing, The 30 Day Praise Challenge, The 30 Day Praise Challenge for Parents, How To Listen So People Will Talk, Who Do You Say That I Am, Listen Well, Lead Better, and Psalms for the Anxious Heart and How to Listen so Your Kids Will Talk.
Tell us about your newest book.
Parents are more stressed out than ever. Pulled in a million different directions, parents are often too distracted or frazzled to really listen to their kids. As a result, they end up having discipline problems and kids feeling disconnected. How to Listen so Your Kids will Talk is a practical book for parents, encouraging them to prioritize building deeper connection with their child. Becky teaches parents to give their child a voice, rather than silencing them. Seek to understand rather than correcting feelings. Focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses. And negotiate with grace rather than punishing with the gavel. How parents listen when their kids are young will determine how much their kids talk to them when they’re older.
What inspired you to write this?
I was inspired to write How to Listen so Your Kids will Talk by my third daughter, Stefanie. Stef seemed to come out of the womb arguing, and honestly, I thought I would lose my mind. I remember praying and weeping before the Lord asking Him for wisdom. The answer I heard was quite shocking. The Lord whispered to my spirit, “Give her a voice”. I realized in that moment, I needed to change. I needed to learn to listen to cultivate Stef’s voice rather than listening to control her. My journey was life changing. Now Stef is an adult and we enjoy a close relationship built on deep connection.
How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?
If you want a close relationship with your child, put some effort into your listening skills. Only children who feel heard feel loved and that is the foundation for deep connection.
What genre do you focus on?
I write non-fiction books because it’s a way to teach biblical life principles through the power of story. It is also one of the best ways to disciple people in their walk with Christ.
Why do you write?
I feel called to help people on their spiritual journeys to grow in their relationship with Christ and others.
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?
I try to write every day, taking small breaks to be with people in between. I’m an extrovert, so I know I need to connect with people in order to write with passion and purpose.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
I think the hardest part of being an author is knowing when a piece or book is finally good enough. It’s easy to keep correcting and correcting and never finish.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
The best part about being an author is the freedom I have to set my own schedule. I am often involved with my grandkids and because I don’t have a 9-5 job, I can pick them up from school or take them for little dates, etc.
What is your favorite pastime?
Hiking with my hubby, playing with grandkids, or drinking strong coffee with friends.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
Yes. Rewriting Your Emotional Script, Freedom From Performing, The 30 Day Praise Challenge, The 30 Day Praise Challenge for Parents, How to Listen so People Will Talk, Listen well, Lead Better, Who Do You Say That I Am, Psalms for the Anxious Heart and The Extraordinary Power of Praise (Releases June 2021).
What are you working on now?
I’ve just submitted another proposal for a Bible Study. I am spending much time coaching: Communication, Leadership coaching and Parent coaching.
Social media links: Facebook – Instagram Beckyharling Twitter, @beckyharling
Meet author Molly Jebber

Molly Jebber’s Amish Historical Romance award-winning books have made Publisher’s Weekly Best Ten List, offered live interviews on news sites, received near excellent ratings from RT, and been featured in USA HEA. She’s a national speaker for Women’s Christian Connection, and guest lecturer at Ohio State University, libraries & conferences on writing, publishing, and marketing. She loves God, her family, and friends. She says yes to cupcakes, and no to coconut!
Tell us about your newest book.
Maryann fell in love and left her Amish life and a controlling mother. She’s ready to return to Charm, Ohio, when her dishonest and gambling husband is murdered. She has her baby girl, is accepted by her Amish family, and works in the Amish Charm Bakery where she makes new friends. Andrew Wittmer asks to court her. They fall in love, and she’s ready to marry him. But her mother is ill and needs her. His uncle lives in another town and needs him. They aren’t sure what to do. Andrew has a secret, and when it’s revealed, Maryann’s heart is shattered. Will God intervene and make what looks impossible possible for Maryann and Andrew?
What genre do you focus on?
Amish Historical Romance – I have visited Amish communities for years. I don’t agree with everything they do, but I love their devotion, belief, and trust in God. I wear makeup, cute shoes, and have to blow dry my hair with an electric blow dryer! They would not approve. But they have been kind and helped me with research, and some like reading my books. I like writing Amish stories, because I can share how we have problems and make mistakes, but God doesn’t leave us or forsake us.
Why do you write?
My hobby became a job when I acquired an agent and New York Publisher, and they drive me to meet their deadlines. Really, it’s fun to create stories and share them with readers.
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
Maryann. She feels guilty for leaving her mother and marrying a non-Amish man. She’s strong to take care of herself and her daughter and humble enough to return to Amish life. She has difficult decisions to make. You sympathize with her, root for her, and wonder how she’ll ever have a life with Andrew.
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?
I have a word count to achieve each month, and I have marketing goals to achieve to keep my books known to readers. I live in two places. When I’m in Florida, I love to be outdoors and my husband and friends keep me busy with lots of fun. This means I get up early and stay up late to keep on schedule!
What is the hardest part of being an author?
COVID makes it hard being an author. I want to speak in person instead of on Zoom. I want to hug my readers.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
The readers. I had no idea how many wonderful people I would meet at speaking events. The gifts, cards, and emails from readers saying they like my books mean so much to me. They encourage and inspire me to keep writing when I get discouraged. Readers’ posts and comments on social media help us get to know each other better. They encourage and inspire me. Also the authors I’ve met who have become good friends.
What’s one unusual fact about you?
I lost my hearing in my left ear completely in 2014. After a heavy dose of steroids, it came back seven days later. This past year, the same thing happened in my right ear. This time, my hearing didn’t come back until two weeks later. It’s a humbling experience, and I appreciate my hearing more than ever now.
How have you changed or grown as a writer?
Lots of people told me I would never get an agent or big publisher. They said it’s too hard. God says all things are possible through Him. I believed if it was His will for my life, it would happen. It wasn’t easy, but I love my agent and my editor-in-chief. They are both so good to me, and I give God all the glory for all He’s done in my life. He’s helped me to grow as a writer.
What is your favorite pastime?
I love to swim in the pool and ocean.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
Keepsake Pocket Quilt Series, Amish Brides, and Amish Charm Bakery series
What are you working on now?
I’ve turned in book five for this series, and I’m working on book six. You’ll have to wait and be surprised at these stories!
Link to book:
Social media links:
Meet author Susan Anne Mason

Susan Anne Mason’s debut historical novel, Irish Meadows, won the Fiction from the Heartland contest from the Mid-American Romance Authors Chapter of RWA. She is the author of the Courage to Dream Series and the Canadian Crossings series. Also a member of ACFW, Susan lives outside of Toronto, Ontario, with her husband and two adult children. She loves red wine and chocolate, is not partial to snow even though she’s Canadian. Learn more about Susan and her books at
Tell us about your newest book.
My book is called “A Haven for Her Heart” and it’s about a young Italian girl who is disowned by her parents when she ends up pregnant. She is taken in by an elderly widow with a similar past, and the two decide to open a maternity home for unwed mothers. Along the way, a handsome Greek businessman tries to thwart their efforts but ends up being charmed by Olivia and her altruistic endeavor.
What inspired you to write A Haven for Her Heart?
An article I read in the Toronto Star about a woman who had been arrested in the 1930s for being pregnant and unwed. She was sent to the Mercer Reformatory for women where she endured unspeakable conditions. I used this as the backstory for my heroine and paired it with the idea I’d had to write a book about a maternity home.
How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?
A disgraced young woman tries to redeem herself and overcome her shame by opening a home for unwed mothers and in the process falls for the man who is trying to stop her.
What genre do you focus on and why?
I write Christian historical romance. I never thought I’d want to write historicals but after I started researching my family history with, I became fascinated with my relatives and their stories. The story of my great-great grandfather, a stable boy, and his romance with the kitchen maid actually inspired my Victorian historical “A Most Noble Heir”.
Why do you write?
I’m not sure exactly. My love of reading inspired my first attempts at writing. Once I paired it with my faith, I began to love inspiring others with messages of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness.
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
My main character is Olivia Rosetti. She is a young woman of Italian descent. I chose the name Olivia because I love the name, and Rosetti because it fit well with her heritage.
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?
I work part-time weekday mornings for a local church. Afternoons are spent at least in part working on my writing. When it gets close to a deadline, I often work again after dinner until around 8:00 pm when my brain stops working. LOL.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
Juggling multiple books at once! Often I’m starting a new book and just as I get the momentum going, I have to stop to do major revisions on the previous book, while promoting the release of a third book. For me it’s really hard to stop work on a project to go back to another set of characters. But you do what you have to do!
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
I would say it’s holding a new book in your hand – when all your hard work has come to fruition and your ‘baby’ is going out into the world! That and creating new characters and stories!
What’s one unusual fact about you?
I have a university degree in French and once considered becoming a French teacher.
How have you changed or grown as a writer?
I have learned a lot over the last 10 years. The main improvement in my writing is how to evoke emotion through my characters. It’s something I still work hard to get right.
What is your favorite pastime?
Reading!!! Does that surprise anyone?? I love reading all types of Christian romance.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
I have over 12 books. My first foray into publishing was with White Rose Publishing, a 3 book contemporary series set in the fictional small town of Rainbow Falls, ND. I have one Love Inspired romance called Healing the Widowers Heart. And I have two series with Bethany House: The Courage to Dream series and the Canadian Crossing series. Plus a standalone Victorian romance. For all my books, please visit my website:
What are you working on now?
I’m doing edits for Book 2 of the Redemption’s Light series called “To Find Her Place” and working on writing Book 3. Juggling again!
Link to book:
Bethany House / Baker Publishing:
Barnes & Noble:
Social media links:, @samason,
Meet author Grace Fox

Grace Fox is a career global worker, popular speaker at international women’s events, a devotional blogger, and the author of ten books. She’s also a regular contributor to Guideposts’ annual devotional Mornings with Jesus and a member of the First 5 writing team (P31 Ministries). She and her husband are based in Vancouver, British Columbia, where they live on a sailboat.
Tell us about your newest book.
Finding Hope in Crisis: Devotions to Calm the Chaos contains 90 brief meditations and relevant quotes written to encourage readers facing hardship of every sort.
What inspired you to write Finding Hope in Crisis?
Being involved in career ministry for nearly thirty years has given me countless opportunities to hear others’ stories of facing significant hardships. The majority of these people credit God’s promises with helping them survive. Often those promises come in a greeting card, in an email from a friend, or on a perpetual calendar. Regardless, they’re always brief, and their brevity is a blessing when one’s brain is on overload. I wrote this devotional with these people in mind. Interestingly, I submitted the proposal with a different title to several publishers in 2018 but they politely rejected it. I filled it with the intent of reworking it and giving it a stronger title when I had time. The current title came to mind in January 2020. Who could have guessed that COVID-19 would strike weeks later and thrust the world into crisis and chaos? I see God’s hand in the title and the timing, and I’m excited to see how He’ll use it to encourage people dealing with significant hardship in these crazy days.
Why do you write?
I write to fulfill my God-calling. I do it not to earn His favor but to demonstrate my love for Him. It’s an act of both worship and obedience.
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?
My day begins early, like between 4 and 5 AM. I enjoy spending quiet time with the Lord and then working out before I sit down at the computer. When I’m writing under deadline, I sometimes have to ignore my household tasks. My husband, bless his heart, does the laundry and grocery shopping, and we eat simple meals. Sometimes I’ll write until 9 PM, taking occasional short walks throughout the day to stretch my legs and listen to worship music.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
For me, the hardest part is having to juggle so many responsibilities. I’d love to just write, but marketing is a necessity. So is maintaining a social media presence. And blogging. Technology changes so fast that I feel as though I’m on a learning curve that never ends. I’m constantly asking God to show me the things He wants me to do and to help me let the rest go.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
The best part of my author’s life is when I receive feedback from readers saying that something I’ve written has changed their life for the better. That type of feedback makes it all worthwhile.
What’s one unusual fact about you?
Living on a sailboat is pretty unusual!
How have you changed or grown as a writer?
I’ve learned to trust God’s timing with my book projects. Finding Hope in Crisis was rejected in 2018 because He knew COVID-19 and its aftermath was coming, and the book’s message would be needed massively more then. I’ve also learned to rest more in God’s enabling power to help me write the books He assigns. When I learned that Aspire Press wanted to fast-track Finding Hope in Crisis, I knew I’d have to write fast to meet the deadline. I allotted myself two months, but the first draft took only twenty days. I was experiencing a crisis of my own during that time—a cracked tailbone and frozen shoulder issues. Writing it in twenty days, especially while in such pain, was truly God’s enabling.
What is your favorite pastime?
My favorite pastime is, of course, spending time with my three married kids and their spouses and my nine grandchildren. But next to that would be sailing with my husband. British Columbia’s coastal islands are absolutely gorgeous. I love anchoring in pristine harbors accessible only by boat.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
Yes, I do. Check out Peaceful Moments to Begin Your Day: Devotions for the Busy Woman, Morning Moments with God: Devotions for Busy Women, and Moving from Fear to Freedom: A Woman’s Guide to Peace in Every Situation.
Link to book:
Social media links:
Instagram: graceloewenfox
Meet Author Lena Nelson Dooley

Lena Nelson Dooley is a best-selling, award-winning author who loves to give her readers stories with characters who grip their hearts. She also enjoys mentoring other authors and help them get published. She lives with the love of her life in North Central Texas. Her favorite activity of any day is spending time with their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Tell us about your newest book.
Franklin Vine has worked hard to build the ranch he inherited into one of the most successful in the majestic Colorado mountains. If only he had an heir to one day inherit the legacy he’s building. But he was burned once in the worst way, and he doesn’t plan to open his heart to another woman. Even if that means he’ll eventually have to divide up his spread among the most loyal of his hired hands.
When Lorinda Sullivan is finally out from under the control of men who made all the decisions in her life, she promises herself she’ll never allow a man to make choices for her again. But without a home during a hard Rocky Mountain winter, she has to do something to provide for her infant son.
A marriage of convenience seems like the perfect arrangement, yet the stakes quickly become much higher than either of them ever planned. When hearts become entangled, the increasing danger may change their lives forever.
What genre do you focus on and why?
I write both historical and contemporary novels—including a pirate novel and a few mystery or suspense novels. All of the novels contain Characters Who Grip Your Heart, which is my tag line.
Why do you write?
I believe God created me to be a writer. As I’m obedient to His call on my life, He gives me more and more stories to write.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
For me, because I’m an extrovert, it’s the isolation. I love to be around other people. That’s why I take every opportunity for getting together with friends and family.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
Since I have an office in my home and work here, I have more freedom to schedule my time.
What’s one thing your readers should know about you?
James and I have been married for over 56 years. We feel blessed that the Lord has allowed us to live long enough to know our 8 great-grandchildren. The oldest is 13½ years old, and the youngest is just over 3 months old.
How have you changed or grown as a writer?
Most really good writers will be constantly growing and learning. If we don’t, we’ll stagnate and the quality of or stories diminish. I enjoy the growing process. It’s important.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
A Heart’s Gift is my 52nd book release.
What are you working on now?
I am actually working on book 4 in the series, A Heart’s Redemption.
Link to book:
Social media links:
Blog: Http://
YouTube Channel: