Meet author Rachelle Rea Cobb

Rachelle is a freelance editor, an author of six books, and voracious reader. If you’re looking for her, check the bookstore. In 2016, she married a man with the same name as her fictional hero and they live happily ever after in a fixer-upper by the sea. She’s a fan of chai and lemonade (though definitely not together). Find her at
Tell us about your newest book.
Anna Emory grew up the invisible, shy younger sister, and she prefers it that way. But when her father attempts to arrange an unsavory marriage, Anna learns that courage is sometimes found in adversity. Then she meets a boy and his father struggling in their relationship, and they tip her quiet world upside down.
Captain Mathieu Tudder has run from responsibility, entrusting his young son’s care to another and devoting his Sea Beggar ship to the Dutch Revolution. After that cause fails, Tudder returns to England for the son he left behind. But his son seems to have given his heart to a unknown and quiet lady—a woman who reminds him of all he’s ever loved and lost.
Will these two hearts—the battle-scarred and the broken—ever find true freedom?
What inspired you to write Follow the Dawn?
I can’t seem to stop revisiting the cast of characters who comprised my first book, The Sound of Diamonds (WhiteFire Publishing, 2016)! The main characters of that first story make cameos in this one, and I’m overjoyed to have the privilege to tell the story of the sea captain widower we met in that first book I ever published.
How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?
When a shy wallflower who suffers from panic attacks must choose whether to comply with her abusive father’s wishes … or fight for the life she wants, she’s going to get more than she bargained for when she meets a young boy and his crusty sea captain father!
What genre do you focus on and why?
I just love Christian historical romance. I’ve never gotten over having the Heartsong Presents novels delivered to my door, and I always gravitate toward historical romance because I love learning about new chapters in history while seeing unlikely love stories play out on the page!
What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?
The readers! It is such a joy to release a book into the world … but it is also so very scary! I feel as if I have plucked out a piece of my heart, splashed it onto a page, and then said “ta da, read if you dare!” Each and every time I release a new story, though, readers do indeed dare to read them. And I just love it when they let me know they love them through their reviews, emails, messages, and so on.
What’s one unusual fact about you?
My husband has the same first name as my fictional hero! I finished writing that book before I ever met my man; in fact, I signed my first publishing contract too (at age twenty-two!). Then I met Devin. I just can’t get over the fact that God wrote us a love story far more beautiful than any I could ever write.
What is your favorite pastime?
Besides reading? I really enjoy working on house projects with my husband. We bought a fixer-upper and it’s been fun making it our own. I also love visiting bookstores and the beach!
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
Yes! The Steadfast Love series is comprised of The Sound of Diamonds, The Sound of Silver, and The Sound of Emeralds. I also wrote a short writing guide called Write Well.
What are you working on now?
Well, I just started a manuscript with yet another character from this series as the hero and I’m excited to begin working on that. But I have a feeling my writing may go on hold for a bit once my husband and I welcome our first baby girl in April!
Link to book:
Social media links:
Instagram: @RachelleReaCobb
Meet author Debra Coleman Jeter

Debra Coleman Jeter’s first novel, The Ticket, was a finalist for a Selah Award. She is a co-writer of the screenplay for Jess + Moss, a feature film which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, screened at nearly forty film festivals around the world, and captured several international awards. She is a Professor Emerita at Vanderbilt University.
Tell us about your newest book.
A deeply committed young man falls in love with the beautiful but troubled Acadia, who knows herself too selfish, too sinful, and too skeptical in her faith to marry a preacher.
Song of Sugar Sands recounts Acadia’s struggle to come to terms with issues of faith, while also telling the story of Peter and Acadia’s falling in love and the traumatic first year of their marriage. When one of her students attempts suicide after confiding her problems in Acadia, Acadia almost quits. Can she find what she needs to keep on trying, or has she made too many mistakes already?
What inspired you to write Song of Sugar Sands?
I’ve always believed in the axiom, If you don’t give up on God, he won’t give up on you. Yet, who hasn’t—at least occasionally—struggled with doubts about her faith in God or about God’s personal interest in her life? Add to this internal conflict a lack of self-esteem and the complication of falling in love with a committed, irresistible man who wants to share his faith with the world. There you have my protagonists, Acadia Powers and Peter O’Neil.
How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?
Acadia Powers nearly lost her faith at an early age due to what she saw as the hypocrisy of her parents’ generation. In college—where the novel begins—she meets and falls in love with Peter O’Neil, who is fervent in his faith and wants to share the good news with the world. Despite serious doubts about her ability to survive as a preacher’s wife, Acadia finally agrees to marry Peter. The two embark with high hopes on a new life in Sugar Sands, Alabama.
What genre do you focus on and why?
I bounce around. If you saw my list of favorite books, you’d see that I love everything from literary fiction to young adult, from Southern Gothic to science-fiction. So, it is no surprise that it’s hard for me to settle on one genre. My goal is to somehow manage to embrace elements of all of them in a single work someday. I’ve always believed there’s a need for Christian writers who write for non-Christian audiences (as well as for Christian readers). Although my books have Christian publishers, I would love for them to cross over to broader audiences.
Why do you write?
I like to shake up views on topics I believe important. For example, in my first novel, The Ticket, I wanted to shake up our views on wealth and its importance, or lack thereof, relative to the amount of time and energy devoted to its pursuit.
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
Acadia Powers. “Powers” comes from the idea that she eventually finds the power she needs, not entirely from within herself, but also from a higher source. “Acadia” comes from the poem Evangeline by Henry W. Longfellow.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
Promoting my work is the hardest part for me. I’m naturally shy and not good at putting myself out there for fear of rejection or failure.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
I love writing the most on those days when the sentences just flow, when I feel as if the words are already there, just waiting for me to put them down. For a brief time, when this happens, I have confidence that I’m actually meant to be a writer and not just deluding myself.
What’s one unusual fact about you?
I love to be in or near the water. I’m not a good swimmer, but I love to boogie board, jet ski or water ski, and snorkel. To relax, I like to soak in a bubble bath, or float on my back in the ocean or swimming pool if I’m lucky enough to be around one.
How have you changed or grown as a writer?
I’ve quit thinking about what’s likely to sell. As a professor in a school of business, we often say that most of us can’t beat the stock market. It’s generally better to buy and hold onto your investments over the long-run rather than try to time the market. Nonetheless, I’ve attempted on occasion to time the market by investing when I think it’s about to go up or pulling an investment out when I think it’s about to go down. I’m usually wrong. I’ve learned the same lesson with respect to writing. If I try to anticipate what the market is ready for, the market will have shifted (or been bombarded with pitches) by the time I could write the novel. Once I decided to write from the heart on topics that I cared deeply about, I became a better, more honest writer.
What is your favorite pastime?
Reading or listening to audio books
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
“Pshaw, It’s Me Grandson”: Tales of a Young Actor (narrative nonfiction); Joy After Noon (Sugar Sands Book One); and The Ticket.
What are you working on now?
Mainstream is a family suspense drama about three young couples, all living in Sugar Sands, whose five-year-old daughters disappear one August afternoon from a birthday party. Each of the couples wrestles with its own set of issues leading up to the disappearance. Told from the point of view of the three wives (Barbara, Randa, and Joella) and one of the daughters, Mainstream finds each couple at a pivotal point in relationships and career choices when the disappearance occurs.
Link to book:
Social media links:
Facebook: Debra Coleman Jeter
Meet author Norma Gail

Norma Gail’s debut novel, Land of My Dreams, won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award. Within Golden Bandsreleases May 19th. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals have appeared in several publications. She lives in New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, or Amazon.
Tell us about your newest book.
Within Golden Bands is the sequel to my debut novel, Land of My Dreams, which released in 2014.
Here is the back cover copy:
Newly married Bonny MacDonell finds the transition from American college professor to Scottish sheep farmer’s wife more difficult than she expected. When her miracle pregnancy ends in a devastating miscarriage, she fears her husband’s reaction will hurt more than the loss of their child.
But Kieran never shows up at the hospital. When found, he is beaten and unconscious. The only memory of his attacker is the words, “Get off my land.” Reeling from the threat to her husband and the loss of their child, Bonny struggles to hold her marriage together. When faith in love is not enough, where do you turn?
Meanwhile, they are faced with a malicious stalker who threatens not only their lives, but the sheep farm Kieran’s family has built over generations. Who knew that the path to parenthood would also reveal a family secret and lead to a kidnapping?
What genre do you focus on and why?
Land of My Dreams, winner of the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, contemporary Christian romance. Because a book cannot be considered romance once a couple is married, Within Golden Bands is considered women’s fiction and romantic suspense. I love exploring the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. My author tagline is: Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. I want to encourage the reader through my stories.
Why do you write?
I love words. They hold so much power. From the time I was small, I have always made up stories. I wrote them down as soon as I could. I convinced my sisters and neighborhood friends to play out my ideas. I have notebooks full of stories and poems written in junior high and high school. In fact, a novella that I am preparing to submit to an agent is a rewrite of a story I wrote in high school.
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
My main character is Bonny MacDonell. I had a great aunt named Bonnie and always thought what a beautiful name it was. I changed the spelling simply because in Scotland, the word bonnie is used so often that I wanted it to be different. Bonny is an American college professor who met her husband, Kieran, while teaching at a college in Fort William, Scotland. Within Golden Bands begins a couple of months into their marriage. She discovers that life with a new marriage, in the rainiest part of Scotland, far from her life in New Mexico, is not an easy thing.
What does a day in your writing world look like?
Right now, crazy! One of the reasons for the years between books was some major surgeries for me, the death of my mother, taking on the care of a childless aunt and uncle in their 90’s, moving them from a small town to assisted living near me, my aunt’s death, and the continuing care of my uncle. Add in my husband’s partial retirement and decision to work from home, and the temporary return of our 36-year-old son. No two days are the same. Other than a quiet time in the morning, my writing and book marketing have to fit around the needs and schedules of others.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
The marketing and social media time is the hardest part for me. I would love to sit and write books without worrying about anything else. However, book promotion is a major responsibility for any author today. It can mean hours of promotion with no change in Amazon ranking, which is the number that an author’s world revolves around. I wouldn’t mind the social media if it meant just getting to know other authors and readers, however the marketing gets in the way.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
I love time sitting at my computer in silence and letting words flow through my fingers and seeing the result on my computer monitor. I love creating a story world that makes a reader feel as if they have been there, and characters that they get emotional about. Reviews can be awesome when they are positive and show that readers want more.
What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?
After the release of my first book, I did a book signing at a tea room and tea store where they said they had hosted Christian authors before. They had another author at the same time because they said it had worked well in the past and the readers often bought books from both. It was pouring rain, which tends to make New Mexicans stay home. The other author had written a non-fiction book about evolution. He was perhaps the most uninformed person where the Bible is concerned of anyone I ever met. Anything I said kind of bounced right off of him. We had an interesting discussion, drank a lot of tea, and ate too many sweets. I sold two books, both to a friend who bought them for gifts. He sold about half a dozen books to people fascinated by his evidence for evolution found in New Mexico.
What are you most proud of?
Pride may not be the right word, but I am honored and blessed to have raised two children, adopted as infants, to be wonderful adults who are the delight of my life. I am proud of their hard work and big hearts that reach out to everyone who crosses their paths. I enjoyed being able to take the experiences of infertility and adoption and write them in a fictional format that I hope will minister to many people who read it, or make people more aware of the wonderful blessing of adoption. There are far too many children in need of a home in this world. I believe if adoption were more widely accepted and understood, there would be far fewer abortions.
What is your favorite pastime?
Reading and writing fill my days, however, I take a break now and then to indulge in my passion for family history. I have boxes full of old family photographs to scan and much more research to do. I have gone back 14 generations on one side of the family. My husband and I love to travel in our RV and whenever possible, our trips include a visit to a town or cemetery related to my family history. I am planning a series of historical novels based on old family stories.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
I have already mentioned Land of My Dreams. The idea of basing my stories in Scotland resulted from some dreams I had around the time my husband and I took a 30th anniversary trip to Scotland in 2006. I had no idea I would ever write a book. A few years later, when a broken foot landed me in a wheelchair, unable to drive, I decided to see if my desire to write would lead to anything.
What are you working on now?
I recently accepted an invitation to be a monthly contributor to the inspirational devotional site, Inspire a Fire. I am getting used to writing on assigned topics and adding that into the mix of launching a new book and all the previous responsibilities I mentioned. I hope to submit the novella I mentioned later this year, and then move on to writing historical fiction. Somewhere in there, I hope to begin doing author interviews on my own blog again.
Link to book:
Within Golden Bands:
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A Glimpse of the Grandeur

Just for fun, here’s an excerpt from Devyn’s Dilemma:
Devyn took one step into the entryway and stopped dead in her tracks. “And he deceived me about this being a hunting lodge. I had no idea it was so grand.”
Brice laughed, his voice deep and comforting. “Aye, and I am to give you a tour. I was with the Bournes when they first viewed this place, and they reacted the same way as you. Mrs. Bourne was entirely overcome, though their primary home on Long Island, called Indian Neck Hall, is far grander.” He allowed Devyn to take in the large stone fireplace, massive granite pillars, carved stone arches, and vaulted ceiling before continuing. “This is the Great Hall where we receive our guests. And look at these infinity mirrors.” He led her to the center of the room and pointed to the mirror over the fireplace.
“Oh my! It seems to go on forever.” She snapped her head around to see a duplicate mirror on the opposite side of the room that created the illusion. “Amazing.”
He grinned and motioned her on to what looked like a hall closet. “And over here is the wine vault. It holds an excellent collection.”
“And suits of armor?” Devyn quirked a brow as she glanced at the armor standing at attention and then turned back at her tour guide.
“Aye, this room makes quite an impression for first-time guests, don’t you think? The Bournes love to delight everyone who visits them.” Brice set down Devyn’s carpetbag and continued his tour of the lower level. He led her past the kitchen, gesturing toward it. “You’ll see the kitchen soon enough. Everyone is reelin’ just now preparing for a dinner party tonight, so we won’t disturb them. But you’ll be pleased to know it’s a fully equipped, modern kitchen with indoor plumbing, a gigantic range, a dumbwaiter, and a servant call box.”
She liked his slight brogue that spoke of his Irishness. He rubbed his clean-shaven chin, apparently debating with himself where to take her next. He was a head taller than her, his short hair neatly parted down the middle. His strong features made him appear rather aristocratic. But those eyes …
“This is the east wing where some of the servants reside, and the laundry is there too. You’ll explore that another time.” Brice touched her arm to turn her around, sending a shiver through her. He motioned her down the hall. “Are you cold? The castle can be chilly at times.”
“I’m fine, thank you.” She scurried past the kitchen and back into the Great Hall, where she hoped to catch her breath. His presence, his voice caused her heart to race.
Brice caught up with her. “Another fascinating detail about The Towers is that you’ll find several secret passageways throughout the castle.”
“I’m sorry, I just can’t get over my shock. Falan told me none of this.” Devyn rested her hand on her chest.
“Aye, well, let’s finish touring the ground level, shall we?” Brice didn’t wait for her to answer but led her once again back through the Great Hall to the other side of the
fireplace. “Here’s the library and billiard room, and over there …” He pointed to the left of a huge granite fireplace. “There’s a hidden switch in the bookcase panel that opens a secret passageway so we servants can move from room to room without disturbing anyone.”
Devyn grinned so wide that her lips felt dry and taut. She loved secrets and hidden places—and books. She loved to read and discover faraway places and marvelous stories. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad here, after all.
Check out Devyn’s Dilemma, Book 2 of the Thousand Islands Gilded Age series You can experience this wonder yourself in my latest novel, Devyn’s Dilemma.
1910, Thousand Islands, New York. Others may consider The Towers castle on Dark Island an enchanting summer retreat, but to Devyn McKenna, it’s a prison. Yet as she works as a maid for Frederick Bourne, former president of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, her life blossoms under the kindness of his family and fascinating entrepreneurs such as J.P. Morgan, Thomas Lipton, and Captain Vanderbilt. But more than anything, the growing friendship of Mr. Bourne’s valet, Brice McBride, begins to pry away the painful layers that conceal Devyn’s heart.
Brice is drawn to the mysterious Devyn even though he’s certain she’s hiding a secret, one far more dangerous than the clues they find in The Towers that hint of a treasure on the island. When Devyn is accused of stealing Bourne’s investment in Vanderbilt’s New York City subway expansion, he might not be able to protect her.
Meet author Lori Hatcher

Lori Hatcher is the author of several devotional books including Refresh Your Faith – Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible, and Hungry for God … Starving for Time, Five-Minute Devotions for Busy Women , the 2016 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year. The editor of Reach Out, Columbia magazine, she’s also a blogger, writing instructor, and inspirational speaker. Lori’s goal is to help busy women connect with God in the craziness of everyday life.
Tell us about your newest book.
It’s called Refresh Your Faith, Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible.
What inspired you to write Refresh Your Faith?
I knew that a daily quiet time was important to my spiritual growth, but I’d grown increasingly disappointed by most of the women’s devotionals. They all seemed to focus on the same 20 or 30 Bible verses, ones I was very familiar with, like the Top Ten of Bible stories. Surely there must be more to the Bible than this, I thought. So I began a journey through the entire Bible looking for uncommon verses pregnant with relevance and truth. The result was a collection of 66 uncommon devotions.
How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?
Refresh Your Faith is for people who have become bored with their devotional time. The book contains 66 culturally relevant, story-driven devotions, one from each book of the Bible. Each real-life story spotlights an unusual verse or Bible passage that you may have overlooked in your usual Bible reading. It contains an unusual faith action step and an unfamiliar passage suggestion for additional Bible reading.
When the fabulous has become familiar and your quiet times are more like nap times, it’s time to step out of spiritual boredom and ignite the spark that will keep you growing.
What genre do you focus on and why?
I’m a devotional writer. I love to help people discover dynamic truths in the Bible that can change their lives.
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?
I work two days a week as a dental hygienist, and I spend at least one day a week with my four grandchildren, so that leaves Mondays and Tuesdays for my writing life. When I’m writing a book, I try to write two chapters (devotions) a week in addition to writing for my blog, freelance writing, and editing the Christian magazine I work with.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
Finding the balance between serving God, serving my family, working, writing, and resting. There are so many ways to spend our lives. I want to spend it in a way that honors God and fulfills His purposes for me.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
I love hearing from readers who say that something I’ve written has drawn them closer to God.
What’s one thing your readers should know about you?
I hate coffee. Please don’t shun me.
What’s one unusual fact about you?
Although I’ve lived in South Carolina most of my life, I grew up in Bristol, a tiny seaside town in Rhode Island. I began my writing career composing long poems of unrequited love on the shores of Narragansett Bay.
How have you changed or grown as a writer?
I’ve learned to pray and ask God for everything I need. Direction, inspiration, artistry, opportunities, and skill. Philippians 4:19 tells us He will supply all we need according to his riches and glory. It’s exciting to experience that.
What is your favorite pastime?
I love to take long walks in scenic places. Lots of thinking space there.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
Yes! Hungry for God … Starving for Time, Five-Minute Devotions for Busy Women , the 2016 Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year
What are you working on now?
A new devotional book called One Word, spotlighting a single word from each book of the Bible and pairing it with a five-minute devotion written especially for women. Simple in format yet rich in content, each reading begins with a life-giving word from God’s Word and goes deeper, giving women a singular concept to cling to, meditate on, and apply to their lives.
Social Media Links: blog, Hungry for God. . . Starving for Time . Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter(@LoriHatcher2), or Pinterest (Hungry for God).
Meet author Kaye Schmitz

Kaye Schmitz is the author of the award-winning novel, The Consort Conspiracy, A Covington Family Mystery. Active in the writing community, she is a member of the Florida Writers’ Association, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. She is also an active speaker and teaches a writers’ workshop titled, “We All Have a Story to Tell.” Ms. Schmitz makes her home in St. Augustine, FL where she lives with her husband, Michael.
Tell us about your newest book.
On the eve of an international G7 Summit, event coordinator Mattie Maguire discovers that the small North Carolina town of Sinclair Station, home to her family for four generations, is more than simply a picturesque setting. The century-old estate, Clairmont Place, site of the upcoming meeting, is also the center of a decades-old mystery and political conspiracies involving ruthless foreign infiltrators that together, result in a series of death threats. And Mattie’s beloved grandparents are trapped in the middle of them.
As Mattie struggles to protect her family and ensure a safe event for the most important leaders in the world, she uncovers secrets that endanger her own life as well. The key, Mattie believes, to eliminating the external dangers and protecting those she loves, is to locate Clairmont Place’s rightful heir, hidden away for decades after the murder of his father. But will the true owner’s return to his childhood home put his life in danger as well?
What inspired you to write On Deadly Grounds?
So far, my stories have been inspired by real life events in history and this one is no different. My inspiration was the 1929 Beverly Hills murder of Ned Doheny, supposedly by his male secretary, who then turned the gun on himself. Forensics at the crime scene didn’t match up with the story told by those in the house at the time, so to this day, there is still speculation about who did the actual shooting…or if a third person was involved who shot both of them. My husband and I visited the mansion grounds several years ago and the story intrigued me so much, I had to write about it.
How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?
When she is hired to manage an international meeting at the hundred-year-old mansion, Clairmont Place, just twenty-two miles east of Asheville, NC, Mattie Maguire discovers that the house she has loved all her life harbors secrets that could prove deadly to her and her family.
What genre do you focus?
Suspense/Mystery, with a large dose of history
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
The main character is Mattie for Matilda) Maguire. I believe she chose me—just popped up and said, “Pick me for the story you’re writing.”
What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?
I’m in my office every day, researching and writing—sometimes two to three hours a day, sometimes eight to ten. Depends on what characters are talking to me and how much they have to say.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
The mind talk that tells me everything I write is garbage.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
Making my own schedule and taking as much—or as little—time as I want to spend on it on any given day; communicating with my readers and filling them in on how the process is going.
What’s one unusual fact about you?
I am a former award-winning ballroom dancer
How have you changed or grown as a writer?
I just finished my third book, titled The Road Remembered, which I describe as “A story of humanity set against the atrocities of World War II.” I consider it Band of Brothers meets The Nightingale. The thing that’s different about this book was described by one of my early readers who said, “I could see the scenes in your first book, but I felt them in this book.” So, the answer is, I am now writing not only from the heart, but also from the soul.
What is your favorite pastime?
My standing Monday night movie dates with my husband, followed closely by planting spring flowers in a myriad of colors.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
My first book was The Consort Conspiracy, a dual timeline that takes place two hundred years apart, where modern day Kate Covington solves not only a two-hundred-year-old murder, but also discovers who killed her own mother. And, as mentioned earlier, I recently finished my third book, The Road Remembered.
What are you working on now?
Next week, I plan to go back to a sequel to the first book, where Kate Covington attends a wedding of one of her distant cousins and helps solve the murder of the cousin’s mother from thirty years earlier.
Link to book: Don’t have it yet; so far, described on my website
Social media links:
Twitter: @kayedschmitz