Meet Nancy Mehl

Nancy Mehl is a best-selling, award winning author who lives in Missouri. She’s authored almost thirty books and is currently writing a series for Bethany House Publishing based on the U.S. Marshals. She is also working on a new cozy mystery series for Guideposts, The Mysteries of Martha’s Vineyard.
Readers can learn more about Nancy through her Web site: She is part of The Suspense Sisters:, along with several other popular suspense authors.
Tell us about your newest book.
Dark Deception: Book Two – Defenders of Justice Series is a story about Kate O’Brien’s quiet life in small-town Shelter Cove, Arkansas is shaken when her past suddenly comes roaring back to life. Four years ago, she and her twin sister were attacked by an elusive serial killer. Only Kate survived, and she’s been in witness protection ever since.
When new evidence arises to suggest the convicted man wasn’t the murderer, she’s subpoenaed to testify in the new trial. Afraid to go back into that world, Kate only agrees if Tony DeLuca, the deputy Marshal who protected her during the original trial, escorts her to St. Louis.
Tony readily takes on the assignment; Kate’s beauty and inner strength made more of an impression on him than he expected. But when Kate’s safety is threatened, Tony must race against the clock to keep her alive and put this ugly case to rest before anyone else gets killed.
What genre do you focus on and why?
Mystery and suspense. I’ve always been drawn to mysteries. When I was a kid, I had all the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books. That passion has never left me.
Why do you write? What drives you?
Deadlines. Publishers get upset if you ignore them. LOL! Just kidding…kind of. Actually, I love writing. Like breathing. I have no idea what I’d do if I couldn’t write. I believe it’s my calling.
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
My main character is Kate O’Brien. If I’d had a daughter, I would have named her Kathleen after my grandmother. And I would have called her Kate. That’s the reason I chose the name for this book.
What does a day in your writing world look like?
Up around six a.m. Breakfast, Bible teaching from TV, Bible reading, prayer. By 8:00 a.m., I’m in my office. I spend the morning writing. Then I have lunch and come back to do the “other things” writers have to do. Mondays, however, I don’t write. I work on my blog, the Suspense Sisters, and organize my week, clean my office, etc.
What is the hardest part of being an author? Why?
Staying on schedule. Life gets in the way sometimes.
What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?
Hearing from readers who really love one of my books. Especially when it touches them in some way. I will never forget the woman who said my books got her through chemotherapy. That kind of feedback keeps me going.
What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?
Wow. Too many things to mention. Some of the strangest come from reviews. Like the woman who decided I hate Canada because of something I wrote in an acknowledgement to one of my editors. It was just crazy. Or being slammed for using profanity. Something I’ve never done and never will do. There are some strange people out there…and they read. LOL!
What is your favorite pastime?
I love going to yard sales! It’s like a treasure hunt. I also do some embroidery. Very relaxing.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
Yes, too many to mention here. You’ll find most of them on my website.
What are you working on now?
Something very exciting. A new series based on the FBI. It’s something I’ve wanted to write for years. Now I get the chance to do it. I hope readers like it.
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Suspense Sisters:
Meet Megan Alexander

Megan is a correspondent for “Inside Edition”, the longest-running tv newsmagazine. She covered Thursday Night Football for CBS for two years. She is an author, speaker, producer, actress, and married mother of two.
Tell us about your newest book.
“Faith in the Spotlight – thriving in your career while staying true to your beliefs”. This is my motivational guide to this next generation of ambitious women. Its very practical and talks about things like negotiating a contract, climbing the ladder, body image, marriage, mentors, and more.
What genre do you focus on and why?
There are very few books for the young business woman of faith. Go to any bookstore and you will see plenty for MEN- but virtually none for women. Instead, women are given books by Bible study teachers or on being a wife and mother. I was starved for this kind of book and I think others are, too. The church has not done the best job supporting Christian businesswomen.
Why do you write? What drives you?
The need for this book. Every day I work in a busy newsroom in New York City. The secular work is FULL of opportunities for ambitous women, but not the church. I finally stopped looking for answers and decided to write about the solution, myself. I also collected insight from major influencers in culture – people like Roma Downey, Kirk Cousins, Gabby Douglas, and more.
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
The main character is me. I received an email from a church in Seattle. The pastor wrote to me and said he has a church full of young, ambitious women of faith. They have big career goals and dreams, but they are worried they will need to compromise their values to get ahead. He said “ I have few role models to point them toward, but I know of you. Will you come speak to us?” I knew I needed to do more. This book is my story, but it is also motivation for every young women.
What does a day in your writing world look like?
I commute every week from Nashville to New York, so I wrote this book on my lap top, on the plane. It took about two years.
What is the hardest part of being an author? Why?
There is not enough room to always share everything you want to.
What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?
Learning that your book has inspired another person – that is the greatest gift!
What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?
It’s not crazy, but men tell me they are inspired by my book. As a mother of two young boys, I love that!
What are you most proud of?
I wrote this book myself. A lot of people have co-writers or ghost writers. I did not.
What is your favorite pastime?
Working out, eating and traveling with loved ones.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
I am working on a children’s book!
Link to
Social media links:
Twitter: MeganAlexander
Facebook: Megan Alexander
Instagram: @MeganJAlexander1
Meet Marilyn Turk

Marilyn Turk writes historical fiction set around lighthouses or the coast of the United States. She is the author of Rebel Light, a Civil War love story on the coast of Florida, A Gilded Curse, a historical suspense novel set in 1942 Jekyll Island, Georgia, and Lighthouse Devotions – 52 Inspiring Lighthouse Stories, based on her popular lighthouse blog (@ She is also a regular contributor to Guideposts magazine and the Daily Guideposts devotional.
Tell us about your newest book.
The most recent book published book is Rebel Light, a Civil War romance set in 1861 on the coast of Florida. Rebel Light focuses on Kate McFarlane, who tries to run away from the war but ends up in the middle of it. After Florida’s secession from the Union, neighbors choose sides and sometimes it’s difficult to tell who is a friend and who is an enemy.
What genre do you focus on and why?
Historical fiction because I’ve always wondered what it was like to live in another time.
What drives you?
Commitment is important to me, and I’ve always believed that you should do what you say you’re going to do. I see my writing as a commitment to God to put forth those ideas He’s given me. I believe writing is my mission field, and God wants to use it to share His truth through the stories of everyday people.
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
My main character in Rebel Light is Katherine (Kate) McFarlane. I researched names that were popular in 1861, especially names from Scottish descent.
What does a day in your writing world look like?
I wish I could say I’m consistent, but it depends on what I need to do, whether it’s to write a new book, edit one already written, or write a blog post. If I’m focused on my story, I write for hours. When I have trouble focusing I set a timer and make myself write for 15 minute increments without going on a rabbit trail, then I reset the timer for 15 more minutes, etc.
What is the hardest part of being an author?
Focus and Confidence. Why? There are so many distracations – from social media to family life – that can take our focus off our writing. And I’ve heard that every writer struggles with confidence, whether what we’re writing is worth reading. For someone like me who thrives on affirmation, I need positive reviews to encourage me. Also, it’s difficult to see how well other authors do without comparing ourselves. I have to remind myself that God has made us all different and gifted us in different ways, so my writing journey is not the same as anyone else’s, it’s only mine.
What’s the best part of your author’s life?
Knowing someone else read your story and liked it. Why? As I said before, affirmation is important to me, and I like to know my writing conveyed the story it was meant to, that readers understood it and hopefully, were inspired by it.
What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?
I have two stories, but maybe they’re not so crazy as amazing to me. One is that I received an email from a man from Colorado who bought my Lighthouse Devotions book at the Currituck Lighthouse book store on the Outer Banks, and wanted to let me know how much he liked it. Also, because I wrote a blog post about a woman lighthouse keeper in New Orleans, I was invited by the Coast Guard to attend the commissioning of a Coast Guard cutter named for her. That was really cool!
What are you most proud of?
Being one of God’s children and part of His plan to inspire, encourage and enlighten others through my writing. Also, I’m very pleased with the way our first year of the Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat that I directed turned out. All the attendees loved the retreat and want us to do it again, so we will, next year in May 2018!
What is your favorite pastime?
I have several, but tennis is tops. I also enjoy boating, kayaking, and of course, visiting lighthouses!
Do you have other books?
We’d love to know. Yes! My book of Lighthouse Devotions which is about to enjoy a revision. And my novel The Gilded Curse, which was published in 2016. The Gilded Curse won a Silver Merit award at the Golden Scrolls Awards Banquet this year, so I’m very pleased about that.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on the edits for Shadow of the Curse, the sequel to The Gilded Curse, which will come out in 2018.
Link to book:
Social media links: email:
Facebook: marilyn.turk.9
Meet Anne Mateer

A lifelong reader, writer, and lover of history, Anne Mateer is the author of four historical novels and one historical novella, as well as several short pieces in compilation publications. Her book At Every Turn was a 2013 Carol Award finalist. Anne and her husband, Jeff, have been married 30 years. When not traveling to visit their adult children or to tour historic sites, they are happily living their empty nest adventure in Austin, Texas.
Tell us about your newest book.
My newest release—my first in three years!—is a historical novella set amid the Great Gale of 1815 in Providence, RI. Here’s a little about the story: Thirty-year-old Remembrance “Mem” Wilkins loves her solitary life running the farm and orchard she inherited from her father and has no plans to give up her independence. Especially not for the likes of Mr. Graham Lott. But when Mem is unable to harvest the apples on her own, she accepts the help of the man she despises.
Fresh off a boat from Ireland with his four-year-old son in tow, Simon Brennan secures a building in which to ply his trade as a cobbler. Still healing from the grief of his wife’s death a year earlier, he determines to focus only on providing a good life for his son. But when he intervenes in an argument on behalf of the intriguing Miss Wilkins, he suddenly finds himself crossways with his landlord, Mr. Lott, and relieved of his lease and most of his money.
With no means of support, Simon takes a job helping Mem with her harvest, but their growing attraction to each other makes them both uneasy. Mem gladly escapes to town when her sister begins labor, and Simon, believing it best to distance himself from Mem, takes his son and leaves. But neither anticipates the worst gale New England has ever seen—or that the storm will threaten all they hold dear.
What genre do you focus on and why?
I focus on historical fiction for two reasons—first, because I believe we have a lack of understanding of history and how people grappled through their own times, and second, because I believe reading a story that involves internal issues but is set in a different time and place can allow us to see things in ourselves we cannot see when confronted in our present moment.
Why do you write? What drives you?
I think the greatest thing that drives me to write fiction is that I can name far more novels that have impacted my life deeply than any other kind of book (other than the Bible). I learn through story. I see myself in story. And I think others do, too. Story allows us to see in others—in the characters and their reactions and decisions to people and situations—either what we desire to see in ourselves or what we don’t want to see in ourselves.
What does a day in your writing world look like?
I have a hard time writing all day long, so I usually try to get in a focused couple of hours mid-morning and mid-afternoon. In between those times I schedule my workouts or errands or time with friends or other appointments.
What is the hardest part of being an author? Why?
For me, it’s balancing work life with relationships. I have a tendency to prefer retreating into my imagination instead of engaging with the people around me. And yet I know I need people. And I know they need me. While writing is part of the reason God put me here, it is not the only or even the most important reason. But I struggle to get the priority right sometimes.
What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?
Being flexible to travel with my husband. For the past few years he’s traveled a lot with his jobs, and I feel very blessed to be able to do my work anywhere!
What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?
It wasn’t something that happened to me as an author so much as it happened because I am an author. A couple of years ago I participated in a reader’s convention and ended up having a spontaneous lunch one day with three other authors—one of whom was Francine Rivers. I was calm, cool, and collected on the outside, but oh, so fan-girl on the inside. She is such a gracious and kind lady, everything I hoped she’d be. Definitely a crazy, never-in-a-million-years-thought-it would-happen moment.
What are you most proud of?
Perseverance. Writing and publishing are not quick or easy. You have to keep pushing forward and be determined not to give up when it gets long or hard. I didn’t really know if I had that kind of strength. And truly, I didn’t. Perseverance is one of the things the Lord has grown into me during my writing journey.
What is your favorite pastime?
Reading! I honestly consider myself a reader first and a writer second.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know.
Yes! I have four traditionally published novels, all set in the WWI or pre-WWI era: Wings of a Dream, At Every Turn, A Home for My Heart, and Playing by Heart. You can find them in print and ebook on all platforms.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on my second historical novella as well as a full-length novel that will feature one of readers’ favorite characters from my debut novel, Wings of a Dream.
Link to book:
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Meet Diana Lesire Brandmeyer

Diana Lesire Brandmeyer, CBA and ESPA Best Selling, Christian author, writes historical and contemporary romances about women choosing to challenge their fears to become the strong woman God intends. Author of Mind of Her Own, A Time to Dance, We’re Not Blended We’re Pureed, A Survivor’s Guide to Blended Families.
Tell us about your newest book.
A Time to Bake follows A Time to Dance, but readers won’t be lost if they haven’t read a Time to Dance.
Alison Dahl works as a pharmaceutical rep for a struggling company. Not wanting to see if she’s next to be laid off, her entrepreneurial spirit kicks in. With a leap of faith, she quits her job and heads to the lake town she loves to open a cupcake shop.
Chad Hastings, a widowed dad known for his loyalty and dependability, has his hands full with a son and a few overzealous matchmaking friends. When Chad is hired as the general contractor for the cupcake shop remodel, his friends see him and Alison as the perfect recipe for a sweet ending. Chad’s secret could melt away any hope of a sweet ending.
Can she look beyond his past mistakes? Can he look past her impulsive risk-taking? Memorable characters, lighthearted humor, and wholesome spiritual messages bring Diana Lesire Brandmeyer’s powerful tale of forgiveness to life. Buy this sweet treat today.
What genre do you focus on and why?
I write historical and contemporary. I’m the kind of person who has never been able to pick just one. Though, I would say all of my books center around a small town. Hey, is that a genre? Yes, let’s make it one. I write in the Small Town genre.
Why do you write? What drives you?
I write because if I don’t, and yes, I’ve tried to stop, my husband sends me back to the computer because I get cranky. I think it’s because there are so many stories happening in my mind that if I don’t get my thoughts written out, I get overwhelmed.
Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?
In a Time to Bake, the character’s name is Alison Dahl. I picked her last name because it’s a known name for the part of the Midwest where the stories are set in my made-up town. And Alison just sounds nice when you say it.
What does a day in your writing world look like?
It always starts with fighting the cat for my keyboard. Wendell wants me to pet him, and I want to work. It takes twenty minutes for the routine to run its course. After that, I write until lunch. Then I might stick with writing, or I’ll switch to making social media graphics, listen to a writing podcast or work on a blog post for My blog needs more love, but I’m finding it hard to find time to post.
What is the hardest part of being an author? Why?
Talking to readers face to face is difficult for me. I struggle with anxiety, and it takes a lot of energy to do book signings.
What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?
I love seeing the world through a writer’s lens. Settings are everywhere, seeing an empty barn along the highway gets me wondering about who lived there and what the story might be. I’m most comfortable being alone and writing provides that kind of working environment.
What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?
Remember I don’t leave my house much so…going to a radio station to be interviewed seemed like something I would never do. But I did! It was a lot of fun but required fast thinking. Questions came fast and because radio silence is not a good thing I felt like being on a game show.
What are you most proud of?
My sons, they’ve grown up to be great men. It’s tough being a mom, always second guessing if you’re doing the right things. And I know I messed up a lot, but God pulled us all through, and I have a good relationship with them.
What is your favorite pastime?
I love to ride bikes with my husband. Oh, and there are those three grandbabies—that’s fun thing to do for sure!
Do you have other books?
I do! Thank you for asking!
You can see them all here on my Amazon Page If you click the follow button, you’ll always know when a new book comes out.
They are also listed under books on my webpage.
I also give away a free short story to anyone who signs up for my newsletter, All in Good Time and you can get it here.
The Mystery of the Smithton Necklace
A Survivor’s Guide to Blended Families
What are you working on now?
I have the rights back to Hearts on the Road, so I’m going through it and applying the writing skills I’ve learned since then. When it’s done, it will be republished. After that? Not sure, maybe another historical or do I want to travel back to Silverton where A Time to Bake is set. I love choices!
Link to book: A Time to Bake
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Meet Dr. Sandra Glahn

Dr. Sandra Glahn earned her ThM at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) and her PhD at the University of Texas at Dallas in Humanities—Aesthetic Studies. A professor in the Media Arts and Worship department at DTS, she teaches courses in writing, medieval art and spirituality, gender, and sexual ethics. She is the author of more than twenty books, including the Coffee Cup Bible Study series.
Tell us about your newest book:
Vindicating the Vixens: Revisiting the Sexualized, Vilified, Marginalized Women of the Bible (Kregel Academic) has been on my heart and mind for more than a decade. As I studied history and cultural backgrounds at the doctoral level, I saw how little social power women had in past eras and places, and I wondered at some of our Western-influenced interpretations of the biblical text. The authors are comprised of biblical scholars who hold a high view of scripture who are men and women, American, Australian, and Palestinian; black, white and having surnames like “Zazueta.” Their differing backgrounds give them insight in the text that the typical middle-class western reader has often missed. And as a result, their combined efforts provide a fresh look at the kindness of God and his heart for the vulnerable.
What genre do you focus on and why?
At one time, I wrote more fiction. But in the past ten years, I’ve focused more on non-fiction, especially biblical teaching. Women in seminaries in the past fifty years have brought new questions to the text as they have partnered with their brothers in translation work and equipping the church. And the internet has allowed us to gain a more global perspective on many texts. I love sharing some of the results.
Why do you write? What drives you?
Whenever I have an opinion about something, I pay attention. Do I need better data? Do I need to listen someone with a differing perspective? Do I need to research texts with which I’m not super familiar? Do my students ask questions I need to investigate? In short, questions drive me. And curiosity. Writing allows me to lay out an entire argument without anyone stopping me before I’ve laid out the entire perspective on something.
What does a day in your writing world look like?
Every day looks different because I teach. And at the graduate level, every semester brings a different schedule. On a given day, I’m usually buried in email, but sometimes in my replies I have written out kernels of content that needs further development. And I confess, I write much more consistently when I have a deadline. Without deadlines, I’d never hit “send,” because a manuscript can always use another look. When I have a looming deadline, I write a lot more than when I don’t have one.
What is the hardest part of being an author? Why?
Carving out blocks of time is my most difficult take. I need about a four-hour uninterrupted block of time to accomplish something satisfying. But who has four-hour blocks of time lying around? It takes carefully planning.
What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?
The knowledge that words change lives. Recently I met a woman who told me that a group of infertility patients had not only used one of my books on infertility (When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden), but they were developing a question-and-answer guide to take with them on a mission trip to India. Apparently some folks there had requested such resources. I finished the first draft of that book in 1994, and God is still using the pain my husband and I endured to touch people.
What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?
I once wrote that the Bible does not address every subject in the world. I meant that it does not tell how butterflies get their colors or why some animals eat meat vs. vegetables or how chromosomes work exactly. But it does give us all we need to live. That seemed clear enough to me. But some readers thought I was saying the Bible is insufficient for every subject. And no matter how I tried to explain, they had made up their minds that I was a liberal. I thought that was kind of crazy.
What are you most proud of?
Other than surviving a trip in which I backpacked the Grand Canyon, by God’s grace I’ve perseverance as a parent. Parenting is not for the faint of heart—especially in the digital age. But our labor has not been in vain.
What is your favorite pastime? I love to read. Right now I have twelve books on my night stand. A graphic novel. A museum catalog. Fiction, Non-fiction. A book on the Psalms. And a bunch of books on gender—keeping up with reading for my job.
Do you have other books? We’d love to know. Yes! I mentioned the infertility book. And Kregel just rereleased a novel I coauthored about twenty years ago—after an update to bring the characters out of phone booths and into the smartphone age. But the topic is still relevant. It’s a medical suspense work called Lethal Harvest. It was nominated for a Christy the year it came out. A more recent work of medical suspense I wrote as a solo novel was Informed Consent.
What are you working on now?
In my ten-book Coffee Cup Bible Study series, I’m working on volumes eleven and twelve, with one book from the Old Testament and one from the New—Ephesians and Hosea.
Social media links:
Twitter: @sandraglahn