Making Plans

commit your plans“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed,” Proverbs 16:3.

It’s still January, still the beginning of the year, and I’m still making my 2015 plans. Yes, I’m getting a slow start, but it’s never too late, right?

While planning, goal-setting, and making bucket lists are well and good, I’ve learned that none of that matters unless those plans, goals, and lists are firmly committed to God’s will and way. My plans need to be His plans. But what does that look like?

For me, that takes time, prayer, and searching my heart to make sure my plans—and the motives that surround them—are biblically based and Spirit led. It could be anything from a vacation to building a friendship to writing my next book; I simply need to check first with the One who knows what’s best for me.

Of course I have to plan my course—plan my days, weeks, months, and year—but I want the Lord to determine my steps (Proverb 16:9). Otherwise, I know I’ll be spinning my wheels, wasting my time, and could even get myself into a whole heap of trouble!

So as I’ve been looking at my weekly blogs and where I should go with them, I going back to square one, and I hope you’ll be blessed. This year, I’m going to focus on what God says in the tattered pages of His Word (see my January 7, 2015 post), especially as they relate to living out our stories of life, love, and leaving a legacy that matters.

Whether it’s about marriage, parenting, grandparenting, or writing, traveling, or some other aspect of life, we’ll ponder the foundation of what God’s word says about life. After all, that’s all that really matters, right?

What would you like to hear about this year concerning life, love, and legacy?



Raising an International Child

HeartGlobeI taught my little girl to love and pray for the world, even as a toddler. All it took was a blow up globe and a little fun. As she grew, a globe on the kitchen table gave us a fun educational game I called “Spin Around the World.” During meals, we would often find a country, spin the globe, and call someone’s name. Then that person would have to find where the country was. Before middle school, my kids knew even the tiniest countries and where they were located.

Today my daughter is a missionary in South Africa and my three granddaughters were born there. They are “international children” in every sense of the word, and they have an amazing understanding of God’s big world. And in today’s global economy and society, that’s a good thing.

When my granddaughters were here for Christmas, even though they are just two and four, they talked about living in Cape Town, South Africa. They pointed out “the American flag” every time they saw it, and they sang about “seven red stripes and six white stripes and a field of blue with fifty white stars.” And we read books and talked about God’s love for the world.

They even relished the experience of international travel, and they understood that they were a part of two different countries. And when I asked the oldest whether she liked take-off or landing best, she said, “Oh, Grandma, I like it all!”

Though there’s a bit of melancholy attached to having family live so far away, I know I am partly to blame. I cast a vision for God’s heart for the world in my daughter when she was little and she’s passed it on to her children. But I can’t complain; they are right in the middle of doing God’s work, and for that, I am richly blessed.

So whether you’re a mom, dad, grandparent, or teacher, I encourage you to help children open their eyes to God’s beautiful, big world in this global society of the 21st century. Help them understand that they are a part of history, a part of God’s bigger picture and plan for His world. In this global society, you’ll be glad you did.

How do you feel about us being a global society? I’d love to know.



Let’s Not Miss Him

Unknown-1As we wind up our Christmas celebration and look toward the New Year, I think about the words to the following song. Bethlehem missed the Savior’s coming. Then Jerusalem missed the Savior’s work on the cross.

And us, here in America and around the globe? Will we miss His work in our lives and, one day, His coming? I sure hope not.

As you read these lyrics and look toward 2015, take a moment to awaken to His presence, His love, and His promise of eternity. Happy New Year, friends!

While You Were Sleeping

By Casting Crowns

Oh little town of Bethlehem

Looks like another silent night

Above your deep and dreamless sleep

A giant star lights up the sky

And while you’re lying in the dark

There shines an everlasting light

For the King has left His throne

And is sleeping in a manger tonight

Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping

For God became a man

And stepped into your world today

Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history

As a city with no room for its King

While you were sleeping

While you were sleeping

Oh little town of Jerusalem

Looks like another silent night

The Father gave His only Son

The Way, the Truth, the Life had come

But there was no room for Him in the world He came to save

Jerusalem, what you have missed while you were sleeping

The Savior of the world is dying on your cross today

Jerusalem, you will go down in history

As a city with no room for its King

While you were sleeping

While you were sleeping

United States of America

Looks like another silent night

As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies

That save the trees and kill the children

And while we’re lying in the dark

There’s a shout heard ‘cross the eastern sky

For the Bridegroom has returned

And has carried His bride away in the night

America, what will we miss while we are sleeping

Will Jesus come again

And leave us slumbering where we lay

America, will we go down in history

As a nation with no room for its King

Will we be sleeping

Will we be sleeping

United States of America

Looks like another silent night

A Baby Changes Everything

images-5It’s been a fun week with a two year old, a four year old, and an eight month old in the house. Our home is happy and busy, loud and cheery, and definitely full of life. Those three babies have changed everything in our house!

We’ve moved furniture and knickknacks. We baby proofed and put up gates. We added furniture and other small-child necessities.

Yet to think of Mary, a young teenage girl, and all the changes she went through when the Angel Gabriel announced she’d bear the Son of God? Well, that makes all the work I did getting ready for my grandgirls pale at the thought.

Mary was so young, unmarried, and scandalously unprepared for such a heavenly task. Yet God chose her. All her plans and dreams for a “normal” life no longer mattered. “Normal” would never again be Mary’s world. She had a higher calling in store for her.

And what about us? Do we strive for our lives to be “normal”? For our Christmas holiday to be “normal”? Why? He also chose us for a higher calling!

So this Christmas season, I want that Baby to change everything—everything about my day, my thoughts, my relationships, my heart. I want to be filled with the wonder of that Baby—Jesus! As you and I read the lyrics of this song, may that Baby change everything.

A Baby Changes Everything

by Faith Hill


Teenage girl, much too young

Unprepared for what’s to come

A baby changes everything

Not a ring on her hand

All her dreams and all her plans

A baby changes everything

A baby changes everything

The man she loves she’s never touched

How will she keep his trust?

A baby changes everything

A baby changes everything

And she cries!

Ooh, she cries

Ooh, oh

She has to leave, go far away

Heaven knows she can’t stay

A baby changes everything

She can feel He’s coming soon

There’s no place, there’s no room

A baby changes everything

A baby changes everything

And she cries!

And she cries!

Oh, she cries

Shepherds all gather ’round

Up above the star shines down

A baby changes everything

Choir of angels sing

Glory to the newborn King

A baby changes everything

A baby changes everything

Everything, everything, everything





My whole life has turned around

I was lost but now I’m found

A baby changes everything, yeah

A baby changes everything


imagesIn just a few days, my three adorable granddaughters will be coming for Christmas. It’s been over six months since I’ve held them and giggled with them and seen them face-to-face. And although Skype and texting keep us connected, the personal, skin-to-skin, eye-to-eye connection has no comparison.

As I anticipate their coming and get ready for their visit, I ponder the lyrics of Joy Williams’ song “Wish”. I, too, wish I could have seen Jesus as a tiny babe, had watched Him take His first steps, had heard His first words, and had enjoyed His giggle. And what about those “silent years” of Scripture from His birth to when He was twelve, and then the silence from twelve to thirty?

What was Jesus like as a teenager? As a young man? It must have been a wonderful to hold Him, to play with Him as a child, to be His neighbor, to see Him walk on water. Oh, how I wish I could’ve been there!

Yet, one day, we will see Him face-to-face, and all those tiny glimpses of His presence as we live on this earth will become nothing compared to how we will know Him—one day. May His presence be yours today and throughout this holiday season, and may you catch a glimpse of Him in the lyrics of this song, today, and every day.


By Joy Williams

For just a moment I wish I could have been there

to see your first step

to hear your very first word.

Tell me, did you ever fall and scrape your knee?

Did you know your wounds would one day heal the world?

For just one moment, I wish I could have seen you growing,

learning the ways of a carpenter’s son.

Just a little boy gazing at the stars.

Did you remember creating every one?

If you passed by would I see a child or a king

or would I have known?


I wish I could have been there

My only wish is to see you face to face.

I wish I could have been there

just to see you Jesus face to face.

For just one moment I wish I could have been there

when you left your footprints upon the waves.

To walk along beside you and never look away

just your whisper and the wind and sea obey.

To see you feed the people

to feel the healing in your touch.

I wish I could have been there.


To hear you pray in the garden alone

laying down your will with each tear.

To see you walk that lonely road

willing to die for me.

And in that

moment I know I should have been there.

You took my cross and gave your life.

But you live again!

I wish I could have been there

I wish that I could have seen you rise again.

I wish I could have been there

My only wish is to see you face to face.

Someday I’ll be there

I’m gonna be there

I’ll see your face

your mercy and grace


Someday I’m gonna see you Jesus face to face.

Love Came for Me

02bb46c933ce8eb494ba253f3e1fdba9As I’ve been decorating and baby proofing my home in eager expectation of my daughter, son-in-law, and three sweet granddaughters coming all the way from South Africa, I crank the Christmas music and enjoy the season. But more than the touching and cheery tunes, I hear some profound lyrics in many of the songs of the season.

“Love Came for Me” by Shannon Wexelberg is one of those songs that touch me every time I hear it. It makes the Christmas season deeply person and puts Christmas into a 30,000-foot perspective that we all need to hear. Enjoy, and remember why He came.


Love Came for Me By Shannon Wexelberg

If You had not come, Tender baby King

And humbly left Your throne to reach someone like me

If You had not walked upon this broken ground

Where on earth would I be now?

If You had not come

If You had not come to seek the sick and lame

To set the captive free, to break the prisoners chains

I’d still be in the dark, grappling for the door

Longing for some way, somehow

Love came for me, Love rescued me

Love called my name, Love took my place

Sweet Lamb of God, I’m bowing down

My eyes have seen

I’m finally free

Love came for me

If You had not come, willing, spotless Lamb

My sin would be too much for You to take me as I am

But, oh, the blood of Christ that washes over me

Flowing from Your hands and feet

Don’t have to worry where I’d be

(repeat chorus)

This manger King

My everything

Love came for me

C/2010 Shanny Banny Music / BMI