Big Changes
In my novel, my main character is struggling to accept some really big changes in her life. She hates change. So do I.
A single mom is afraid to trust again. A businessman can’t risk applying for that new job for fear of rejection. A spouse can’t forgive and get past an offense. In each situation, the work of change becomes incomplete, the lessons are not learned, and the person is more than likely going to repeat history in some form or fashion.
That’s tragic, and although many of us know how sad this is (me included), we just don’t have to abort the process. We can—and should—find a way to move forward. Sometimes that takes the help of your spouse, a good friend, a professional counselor, or a pastor.
For my character, she and her husband had to struggle through taking their six small children and leaving their homeland to go and live in a foreign country for the rest of their lives. Big changes. Much bigger than most of us have ever faced.
One of the best things we can do is analyze how we naturally tend to deal with change. When we recognize this and then adjust our not-so-healthy patterns of thinking and behavior, we can learn how to deal with change more productively.
Take some time to discover your natural tendencies, and learn more about your strengths and weaknesses. If you do, you’ll be surprised how differently you will react and how much easier you will be able to accept and adjust to the change. I had to figure out that I hid my fear of change in busyness.
Sometimes a change seems accidental or random, and it’s frightening. Often, we simply have expectations that are unrealistic, and we think that everything should work out well, like a Hallmark movie. When it doesn’t, we are surprised or disappointed, angry, or hurt.
If we take some time to assess the unrealistic expectations we’ve learned from Hollywood, the media, or other people, we’ll be able to adjust our thinking accordingly. And when we bring them into a biblically accurate perspective, we’ll realize that they weren’t so random after all.
Other times we just can’t face the loss associated with the change. So we become trapped by fear, sadness, or loss, and we feel embarrassed, ashamed, or confused that we have these negative feelings.
But sooner or later we find ourselves at a point of decision—either we acknowledge it and move through the transition, or we abort it and return to the old thing. It may be as simple as stepping away from a toxic friend or as big as making an transcontinental move like my novel character, but without completing the transition, we’ll likely repeat the lesson we need to learn.
Have you had to repeat something? I sure have! I’d love to hear your story.
The Amazing Easter Morn

This Sunday is Easter, and I can’t help but talk about the day that changed it all—for you, for me, and for all mankind. Jesus ministry on the earth was wonderful. But when we think of how short it was—just three years—and how much it changed the history of all mankind, well, it’s more than amazing.
For three years, everything was going along quite well, thank you very much. Jesus and the disciples were a dynamic team. They were in the groove. They were healing people. Changing lives. They were making an amazing impact on their world.
And then the Last Supper happened.
Sure, Jesus had mentioned that he might not be around forever. But who was really listening to that? They had work to do! Who expected a change like this? There were so many who still needed to hear the Good News.
And then Good Friday happened.
The arrest. The whipping. The crucifixion. The death. The grave.
Everything changed. Hope was gone. Fear was ever present. Questioning ran amuck. Faith faltered. No more miracles. No more Good News. Was it all a lie?
And then everything changed—again—on Easter morning!
Hope was renewed. Fear was gone. The questions—at least those that mattered—were answered. Faith was renewed. And the disciples became fearless preachers of the Good News, completed by the Resurrection!
History and people were changed—forever.
Whether you live in America or Ireland or wherever, when we think about all the changes that came with Christ’s sacrifice—that first Good Friday and Easter Sunday—we cannot help but be amazed, humbled, and oh so grateful for the opportunity He gave us to change too. We can change from death to life. We can transition from our old sin nature and become a new man or woman. We are no longer slaves to our flesh but to His perfect will for our lives.
This Easter season, what would you like to change in your life? To hope again? To not fear the future? To not question God? To have faith again?
Easter changes everything, even today, and that includes you and me!
How have you changed—because of Easter morn? I’d love to know!
Me, a Novelist?
Last spring, I went to an author meet-and-greet, and it changed my life. Angie Breidenbach and Tiffany Amber Stockton were there sharing about their new novels. They were animated, excited, and fun to be around, and when my husband and I left that meeting, I casually said, “I could do that. I could write a novel.” I proceeded to tell him about the basic premise of the story that would become my first novel and lead me in a new career path.
For the next several months, I read a dozen or more books on writing a novel. I attended writers conferences and sat in on novel-writing classes. I researched and researched and researched the setting and history and everything I could about the topics of my story.
And then I wrote and wrote and wrote. It was a blast!
Then, a few weeks ago, I had a crazy conversation with my literary agent. I had a plethora of writing projects working, and I was determined to do it all. My novel. Check. My children’s book series. Check. My nonfiction book. Check?
Why the question mark? As we conversed, it became quite apparent that my excitement, passion, and joy came from writing fiction. Really?
For more than 35 years, my life verse has been, “The joy of the Lord is your strength,” Nehemiah 8:10b. The Lord faithfully fills me with joy and I find strength to do whatever He puts my hand to do. And it’s been a journey, for sure.
I’ve taught language arts. I’ve had a newspaper column. I’ve written missions curriculum. I’ve been the editor or editorial director of a dozen publications. And I’ve written hundreds and hundreds of articles as well as two published books.
But now I have a new title. I am a novelist! There. I said it.
And it’s exciting beyond words. Everyday I get to dream up stories and journey with God as I write them down. I get to wake up every morning so excited about my day simply because my day has adventures that I don’t even know about.
What new situation will my characters face today? What new characters might I meet? What’s going to happen next?
Who knows? It’s the journey that really matters.
What new journey has God put you on these days? I’d love to know.
Welcome Baby Devyn!
My heart is overflowing! My third granddaughter, Devyn Arielle, was born today, April 4th, in South Africa. Her arrival was the best birthday gift I’ve ever received, bar none!
It’s been a long nine months, but she’s finally here. When I heard the news, my heart danced with excitement and joy! I can’t wait to see her on Skype and—not soon enough—meet her in person.
When I look at God’s amazing creation in the beautiful gift of a tiny baby, I can’t help but praise Him for the wonder I behold. And because it’s my own grandchild, my joy bubbles over to everyone around! A new human life is truly the most amazing part of creation, and as her grama, the awe and wonder of it all can be simply overwhelming.
Who will she become? What has God created her to do? What will this new life hold? How will being a “missionary kid” in South Africa affect her and make her into the person she’ll become? There are so many huge questions for such a little life.
As the third girl in this beautiful bundle of grandchildren, my prayer is that little Devyn will find camaraderie, compassion, and kindness in her family circle. I pray that she and her sisters will be best friends and that sweet Devyn will come to know the uniquenesses and purpose God has put deep within her.
The world that Devyn just entered is not an easy one, so she’ll need lots of prayer to become the person God wants her to be. As one who loves her dearly, I will pray for this child every single day of my life, and I will enjoy watching these questions get answered.
What kinds of prayers do you pray when you see a new little life? I’d love to know.
Never Say Never
I always said I’d never write fiction. For the past twenty-plus years, I’ve written curriculum, newspaper articles, magazine articles, newsletter articles, and books! All of them well received. All of them nonfiction. I am a seasoned non-fiction writer, so why should I change?
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,’” Jeremiah 29:10-12.
So, I know His plans are good, but I said “Never!” Now I have to eat my words. Lesson here? Never say never. You never know what God has planned.
This scripture became the foundation for my first novel. It’s a story about two women who need to learn that God’s plans are good, and in those plans He gives them hope for the future. I didn’t know that I’d be joining my characters on this journey of change, but God’s plans were in the works as I journeyed with them in writing their story.
And I’m hooked! I love writing fiction. Go figure.
In all the changes that come our way, knowing that God is in the middle of them helps us hang on with hope and promise. Unfortunately, many people, writers included, are often too uncomfortable, too impatient, and too restless during this transition time to allow the process to fully work out.
In the past, I was one of them. I had my plans, and by golly, I’d see them through. But I have learned to let God’s plans unfold, and I let Him lead. I now wait with hopeful anticipation, and my sweet supportive husband is always there through it all.
Dale has been an amazing teammate, especially during my transition from writing non-fiction to plowing into writing my first novel. I was so excited and intent, that there were times he had to pull me away from my computer and encourage me to get out and smell the roses. But most of the time, my sweet husband just smiled, enjoying the passion I have to write and laughing at the excitement I had for the project.
In any transition, the challenge is to embrace what God is doing and find hope for the future in that change. He does have plans to give us a hope-filled, abundant life as we walk through the changes and transitions of life. Never say never, and hold on to this truth when you’re tossed to and fro by the winds of change, and it will anchor you to His love, as it did for me.
How has this scripture given you hope in your life? I’d love to know!
Pleasure in the Process
After watching the movie, Chariots of Fire, many years ago, someone asked me this question: “When do you feel God’s pleasure?” It didn’t take long before I blurted out “When I write, I feel God’s pleasure,” and it struck me as deeply as it struck her. The answer revealed a high and holy calling on my life, and I was humbled.
Since then, I’ve done lots of writing, and I’ve taught children and adults about the craft of writing. I’ve encouraged new writers and mentored editors, both who are dear to my heart. I’ve been blessed to share what I’ve learned through the years, and I love putting it to practice on a daily basis.
Three years ago I left Focus on the Family to fulfill the desire and calling to write full time. As the Founding Editor of Thriving Family magazine, it was hard to give up “my baby” up for adoption, so to speak. And leaving my staff—who were close and dear friends—wasn’t easy either. But I had been so busy directing the ministry that I hadn’t written, even a simple article, in over two years.
The transition has been tougher than I expected, but I knew God was calling me to it. And looking back on these past three years, I realize that His leading as been an awesome journey of faith. And He’s not through yet!
Since then, The ReMarriage Adventure, my second book, has released. I’ve seen our first book, Countdown for Couples, be translated and published in Indonesian and in Spanish, giving them the potential to reach millions. And I’ve coached several aspiring writers and helped seasoned writers prepare their project for publication by editing their books. I’ve done lots of speaking, taught writing classes in South Africa, and had lots of writing opportunities.
Now I’m taking a new path as a novelist, and I’m feeling God’s pleasure in the process. I just finished my first book, and I’ll soon start book two in the series. And there is nothing like knowing that God is leading me and guiding me all the way!
What journey of faith does God have you on these days? I’d love to know.