10 Commandments for Christmas (Part Four)
How can we apply the 7th and 8th Commandments to our busy American Christmas season? Let’s see. Commandment 7: Don’t commit adultery Really? At first, it was a mystery for me to know how to apply this commandment… Read More
10 Commandments for Christmas (Part Three)
How can we apply the 5th and 6th Commandments to our busy American Christmas season? Let’s see. Commandment 5: Honor your mother and father In a culture that often dishonors parents, how can we teach honor to our… Read More
10 Commandments for Christmas (Part Two)
How can we apply the 3rd and 4th Commandments to our busy American Christmas season? Let’s see. Commandment 3: Don’t misuse God’s name It’s easy to sing Christmas carols and not even notice what we are singing. The… Read More
10 Commandments for Christmas (Part One)
Recently I’ve been studying the Ten Commandments and trying to apply them to my 21st century world. Yet as the holidays approached, I faced with a whole new set of decisions. How could I apply the Ten Commandments… Read More